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Category: Homeschooling

Homeschooling ideas, tips, and resources.

Stuart Little

Posted in Family, and Homeschooling

We had a wonderful time at Stuart Little. It didn’t follow the book even remotely, but it was still a wonderful production. Since the schools were on a 2 hours delay here, the school groups didn’t show up. It was nice as it was just our homeschool group, a small preschool group, and a handful of mommys with their little ones. It was great. Our lunch was a grilled chicken sandwich, apple, goldfish, oreo snackers, and a juice box. We really enjoyed ourselves. The next production will be Charlotte’s Web. Munchkin is super excited — it’s next month. lol!

Random Thoughts

Posted in Family, and Homeschooling

Why is it that even though we’re not completed with this school year, I’m still super excited about starting to receive the new homeschool catalogs? Why is it that something that was so easy for munchkin yesterday in school is so difficult today? Why is it that when I say it’s time for bed or time to clean up nobody can hear me, but if I say, play time or snack time, there’s no difficulty in hearing? Why is it that the house is clean one second, but dirty the next second? Why is that there is always at least…

Homeschool Happenings…

Posted in Homeschooling

We are currently learning about John Adams (as in the 2nd President of the United States). It’s been interesting to find out that he was very concerned about doing what was right no matter what the popular opinion was at that time. He stood against the popular opinion of going to war with France and sought peace. He was able to eventually get the peace with France that he desired. It made us think about how many times we back down from our own opinions just because everyone else thinks differently. Ultimately, it really doesn’t matter what others think as…

Why do we homeschool?

Posted in Family, and Homeschooling

Why do we Homeschool? This is a question that I often hear followed quickly by their story about someone that they know who homeschools. Yes, in our area, homeschooling is very popular. We’re not considered too odd around here which is nice. We always have tons of activities in which we can be involved. People wonder how our daughter, an only child, can possibly be socialized properly. Yet, they’re always commenting on how well behaved she is. I have always been drawn towards homeschooling our daughter, but didn’t actively pursue the idea until it was time for her to enter…

Some Fun Christmas Creations

Posted in Family, Holidays, and Homeschooling

On Sunday, after church, we created a fun snowman out of our leftover pumpkins from Fall. We had a blast doing it. Here’s our creation. On Monday, Little Song Bird and I had fun creating our own gingerbread house and gingerbread tree. She had a hard time waiting for Daddy to get home before she started eating hers.Today, we’ll probably work on some fun Christmas craft. I need to get the kitchen all cleaned up from yesterday’s creations. lol! We ran out of time since Little Song Bird had gymnastics last night. Once we arrived home, we did our nightly…