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Random Thoughts

Posted in Family, and Homeschooling

Why is it that even though we’re not completed with this school year, I’m still super excited about starting to receive the new homeschool catalogs?

Why is it that something that was so easy for munchkin yesterday in school is so difficult today?

Why is it that when I say it’s time for bed or time to clean up nobody can hear me, but if I say, play time or snack time, there’s no difficulty in hearing?

Why is it that the house is clean one second, but dirty the next second?

Why is that there is always at least one sock without a mate?

Why is it that we’ve got tons of channels on the t.v., but there is nothing to watch?

Why is the pantry is full, but there is “nothing to eat”?

Ah, the questions of life that will never get answered.

One Comment

  1. weavermom

    I have no idea, but if you find the answers to any – please let me know because every single one of these happens at my house too! 🙂

    February 7, 2007

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