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Category: Homeschooling

Homeschooling ideas, tips, and resources.

Cadbury Egg & Peep Virtual Tour

Posted in Holidays, and Homeschooling

Spring has sprung and Marshmallow Peeps and Cadbury Chocolate Eggs are everywhere! Take a virtual field trip to see how they’re made! Recommended Websites: This is the OFFICIAL Website of Marshmallow Peeps! It’s full of flash and animation designed to make your mouth water for Peeps. When you get to the site, place your cursor over “About Peeps” on the menu bar at the top of your screen. A drop down menu appears that includes: *Peeps Fun Facts — For example, did you know the amount of Peeps chicks and bunnies eaten at Easter could more than circle Earth’s circumference?…

Today’s Math Lesson

Posted in Family, and Homeschooling

What do you do when it’s over 80 degrees outside? It’s a beautiful day and you child can’t focus on schoolwork because they want to be outside??? Well, today we took the schoolwork outside — onto the pavement to be more accurate. Today, we were talking about improper fractions and common denominators. So, I wrote out the problems with sidewalk chalk on the pavers. Eureka! We had a winner. She loved doing her math problems this way. Our work on adjectives quickly became a game of sentences about describing plants and trees around us. It was a lot of fun…

Read to Me: Results

Posted in Family, and Homeschooling

The Read to Me has come to a close. We were asked to summarize our results in a post. We accomplished out goal of getting back on track with reading. This mission/contest helped motivate us to get started with our reading again. It’s so easy to allow life to get in the way of reading and let the t.v. take control. We need to make time for reading and family. It’s fun to sit down and read together as a family. Kids love being read to even when they know how to read themselves. It can be a special time…

Children’s Museum

Posted in Family, and Homeschooling

Yes, more fun was allotted for today. We headed over to the Children’s Museum. Boy was it great! There is so much to do, but Munchkin’s favorite was the Bubble Room. When you’re in the Bubble Room, you can make bubbles stretch…Or, you can step inside a ring and the bubble forms around you…Head over to the next room for an electrifying experience:Or maybe you’d like to see thermo images of yourself:Or try your hand at some strength building exercises like rock climbing… Then try out your mental skills as you try to solve a puzzle in a mirror…As you…