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Category: Homeschooling

Homeschooling ideas, tips, and resources.

Monday Meanderings and Giveaway Winner

Posted in Family, and Homeschooling

We have declared weekends, especially Sunday, family time. On Saturdays, we get various things done that are unable to be done during the week.  This could mean doing tasks around the house and/or getting errands done.  We try to get these necessary things out of the way as quickly as possible.  Saturday evenings, we sit down and enjoy a movie together as a family.  This past Saturday, we watched Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story.  It’s a great, inspirational family movie.  (We rented it from Netflix.) On Sundays, we head to church in the morning and come home to a…

Our Current Penmanship Curriculum

Posted in Christian Life, and Homeschooling

Since Munchkin completed all 4 books in the Awana T&T curriculum, she will be working on the silver and gold sections in the Awana books this year.  To make things a bit easier for her, I created a workbook for the gold sections in all 4 books. Whenever possible, I like to incorporate Munchkin’s studies in one subject with her penmanship and reading.  For now, her penmanship will be based upon some requirements in her T&T books.  Each book has 4 questions that have 4 answers.  Each answer has at least 1 supporting verse.  For her penmanship, she will be…

A Day in Our Homeschooling Life

Posted in Family, and Homeschooling

We’re not very big into strict schedules at our house, but we definitely have some regular routines in place that keep things moving along smoothly.  I try not to have activities during our regular school hours when possible.  I had planned on actually blogging our day today, but Munchkin woke up sick.  We’re having a sick day which means cuddling, watching some tv, and reading. Our normal routine looks a little something like this… D gets up between 5 and 6 to head to work.  After he gets up and goes to work, I go back to sleep until Munchkin…

Another sign she’s growing up…

Posted in Family, and Homeschooling

Today, I had to run out and pick up our Azure Standard order from the semi-truck delivery location.  Munchkin requested that she be allowed to stay at home, so she could complete her school work instead of riding along with me.  Since I knew that I wouldn’t be gone long, I agreed to her request. When I arrived home, Munchkin immediately helped me unload all of the food and verify that we had received everything that we had ordered.  She helped me get everything organized and put away. After everything was put away, I made her lunch, and she informed…

2010 School Pictures

Posted in Family, and Homeschooling

We had fun taking some school pictures of Munchkin.  We’re still not sure we have the right shot yet as the sunlight appears too bright in most of the pictures… Munchkin doesn’t like the angle on this one, so I doubt it will make the cut. She’s not sure if she likes this shot either as it doesn’t really feel like her. This is our favorite picture, but due to the sunlight, she’s squinting a bit.  It definitely shows the true Munchkin more than the other two pictures.  We may need to try some more once the sun isn’t as…