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Category: Homeschooling

Homeschooling ideas, tips, and resources.

Afternoon Activities: Volcano part 2

Posted in Homeschooling

Munchkin and D were both able to find the parts that they needed to complete their respective projects.  While Munchkin was able to complete her project, D was not so fortunate.  He’s still fighting with his truck, but that’s a different story…. After Munchkin finished assembling the volcano, we located the necessary baking soda, vinegar, food coloring, and dish soap.  We tried 3 different experiments: baking soda, vinegar, dish soap baking soda, vinegar, dish soap, food coloring baking soda, vinegar, food coloring We determined that the dish soap, while creating a slower flow, was making way too many suds.  Thus,…

Afternoon Activity: Volcano part 1

Posted in Homeschooling

D was away on a short trip the last couple of days, and I have been dealing with headaches this week.  Munchkin has been very patient and gracious while I’ve needed to rest more than usual.  We’ve cuddled in bed and watched movies.  (Well, she’s watched the movie quietly while I rested.)  While she was okay with this, she eventually needed something to do.  Thankfully, I have various items set aside for times like these. Munchkin decided that she wanted to work on the volcano activity set.  I had picked up this Smithsonian Great Volcano set at a thrift store…

Saving on School Supplies

Posted in Homeschooling

The back-to-school lists seem to be growing every year.  In addition to regular school supplies, many schools are now requiring school uniforms.  Coming up with the money for all of this may seem like a daunting task, but there are some ways that I like to save on back-to-school supplies. 1. Take Inventory: It’s silly to spend money on items you don’t need.  See what supplies you already have on hand.  See what “old” items can still be used and supplement with new items.  Don’t automatically buy new clothes and shoes if the old ones are perfectly fine. 2. Make…

Learning Outside of the Classroom

Posted in Homeschooling

Some of the best learning takes place outside of the classroom.  It’s the hands on learning that seems to really sink in with Munchkin.  Sometimes, even just a small change of scenery can make learning a subject a little bit easier to digest.  Grabbing the books and heading outdoors can mix things up, so they may not seem quite as repetitious. Most days, you’ll find Munchkin sitting at a desk or sprawled out on the floor doing her school work.  Our school room has a built-in desk, and D added a nice set of cubbies above that for extra storage. …

Curriculum: Choices, Choices, Choices

Posted in Homeschooling

At the end of June, I wrote about our planned curriculum choices for the new year.  While most things are staying the same, it looks like we may be changing our math curriculum.  We’re going to be trying out Life of Fred for math.  While we both like Teaching Textbooks, some changes needed to be made.  We may end up going to back to Teaching Textbooks.  Right now, I’m just in a wait and see mode. Our art program using the Picturing America program is working great for us.  Munchkin looks forward to that part of the day.  We work…