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Category: Homemaking

Study/Guest Room

Posted in Homemaking, and Thoughts

Here are the before and after pics from the study/guest room. I’m not sure if I’ll use those curtains or not, but I wanted something up on the windows for now. The two windows in the room do not have matching curtains. They’re similiar, but not matching. Before (sky blue): Study/Guest Room After: (Barn Red) The study/guest room will be done in an Americana theme.

Favorite Ingredients Friday: St Patrick’s Day Edition

Posted in Holidays, and Homemaking

Yes, I am quite late in posting this. For that I am truly sorry. It was a busy day, but I do have a couple of fun recipes that I found at Family Fun. I love all the kid-friendly ideas they have at the site. We’ll start off the day with a lovely batch of green pancakes. No, they’re not moldy. Just add a few drops of food coloring into your favorite pancake recipe. To keep snack time simple, you could make shamrock shaped rice-krispie treats, a pot of gold, or a shamrock pretzel. Pot of Gold Jello RECIPE INGREDIENTS:3-ounce…

Make It From Scratch: Pillows & Pillow Cases

Posted in Homemaking

I was trying to think of what I was going to enter for my Make It from Scratch entry this week, then I thought of the pillows that I made for munchkin right before we came here. I received the roll body pillow from a fellow freecycler, but didn’t like the fabric that was on it, so I recovered it in fleece for munchkin. She loved it so much that she asked me to make pillow cases for her two other pillows to match. They didn’t take very long to make as fleece is extremely easy to work with. So,…

Before and After Pictures Kitchen

Posted in Homemaking, and Thoughts

Obviously, we don’t have our stuff here yet, so these are just before and after pictures of painting. I can’t wait until we move all are things in, so I can get to decorating!! Eat in Kitchen (don’t you just love this view? It looks out over our backyard and the water). Kitchen area (the area above the microwave was lime green. I painted it to match the black cabinets). Laundry room. Here’s the view down the kitchen into the laundry room. The laundry room was plain contracter’s white before.