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Category: Family

Today’s Entertainment

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

The tree removal guys came today to remove the large pine tree on the side of our house. We had fun watching the progress. Here’s how things looked as we checked on their progress. Before they started: During the process: At the end of the process as they were grinding the tree stump: Then I couldn’t resist this picture as munchkin was looking out on how much higher the water was today than yesterday.

Thankful Thursday: Separation

Posted in Family

This week has been an interesting week with so much going on. D left on Sunday for 2 weeks. He’ll be home for a few days, then gone again for another 2 weeks. Munchkin takes these things pretty hard, so there has been a lot of adjustment going on. We came to the new house to prepare it for move-in. So, we’ve been keeping busy. So, this week’s “theme” for my Thankful Thursday is being thankful during times of separation. 1. First and foremost, I am thankful that God watches over us each and every day. He never gives us…

Wednesday’s Wonderings

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

Today, we just took the day off from working. We needed a break. We just relaxed this morning (and ran out to get more masking tape). We ate lunch and then planted the rest of the bulbs. Munchkin played for awhile outside while I did the dishes and put away a few groceries. After playtime, we worked on catching up on her schoolwork. We’re a little behind, but not too bad (all things considered). Tomorrow, we’ll work on her St. Patrick’s Day lapbook. Tomorrow, we have to stay at the house because we have someone coming to take down one…

Long Night

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

Last night was a very long night. The first night after Daddy leaves seems to be the worst (usually). No, Daddy is not deployed (thankfully), he’s just away for training for most of the month. I finally was able to get her to sleep around 2:00am. Normal bedtime is between 8:30 and 9:00pm. I knew that being in a new location plus Daddy leaving was going to be difficult, but I didn’t think that it was going to be 2:00am difficult. She’s still sleeping soundly now, so I’m quietly trying to do some catching up on the computer. Most of…

Read to Me Update #1

Posted in Family, and Homeschooling

Well, we started off on the right foot, and then life caught up to us. Too much going on…. So this week, I’m trying to recommit to our original schedule of reading. I had planned on continuing with the Narnia series, but I forgot to bring it with us this week. So, we’ll just be reading something else. We’re still doing ok with the individual reading, but we haven’t been reading every day. I want to make that a priority for us. So that’s how we’re doing right now. I’d love to hear how you are doing if you’re participating…