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Category: Family

Tackle It Tuesday: Family Time

Posted in Family, and Homemaking

D came home late Monday night and has off Tuesday (yes!), so our tackle it for Tuesday will be family time. I think we may go see a movie, but I know that we’ll be renting Charlotte’s Web since my daughter has been begging to see it. lol! We’re just going to spend the day reuniting as a family and having some good old fashioned fun!! No working today! The rest of the week’s tackle will be packing, packing, and more packing. I think we may take a load of stuff down to the new house this weekend, and then…

Remembering Mom

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

When CWO issued a blogging challenge to blog about my favorite mom moment, I knew that I had to share a little more about my mom…. My parents divorced at a young age, so my mom was a single parent most of the time. We spent many great weekends with my dad, but mom was the day-to-day disciplinarian and care-giver. Fast forward many years… I’m now graduating from high school and heading off to college. I got really sick that first year and ended up having to come home from college. We knew that there was a purpose for everything,…

Marriage Monday: Expectations

Posted in Christian Life, Family, and Thoughts

“… let’s introduce each other to the women we were when we met and married our husbands…. Once you have painted a picture of yourself then, show us who you are now…. “ I was a young bride, but not a naïve bride. We had gone through a bit that had caused us to mature faster than many people our age. I definitely wanted to be the perfect wife for him, but I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to do that do to some difficulties that we faced. I had a lot to learn about being a wife. With…

Interesting Conversations

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

Munchkin was having a good time playing in the dirt. So much fun, that honestly, she reminded me of these elephants rolling around in the dirt and throwing it up in the air. Needless to say, she was covered in dirt when this conversation took place. Me: “Would you like to help me plant these veggies?” Munchkin: “Sure, but would you move the dirt, so I can just set them in. Then you can put the dirt over them?” Me: “Why?” Munchkin: “Because I don’t want to get dirty.” A few days earlier, this conversation took place. Munchkin: “Mommy, do…

Thankful Thursday: Simplicity

Posted in Family

These last few weeks (has it been almost a month?) we’ve lived very simply with just the basics. We’ve had very few clothes, minimal “creature comforts”, no washer/dryer, no beds except for inflatable mattresses… Yet, as I sit here thinking about all of that, I realize that we’ve lived quite comfortably (minus the beds & washer/dryer). I’ve enjoyed living simply without lots of things to have to tidy up or clean. It’s made me realize that maybe we need to simplify things a bit. This week as we’re getting ready to be reunited as a family (Monday) and get our…