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Category: Christian Life

WFW: Ruth

Posted in Christian Life

 But Ruth said:Entreat me not to leave you,Or to turn back from following after you;For wherever you go, I will go;And wherever you lodge, I will lodge;Your people shall be my people,And your God, my God.Where you die, I will die,And there will I be buried.The Lord do so to me, and more also,If anything but death parts you and me.~Ruth 1:16-17 As I was reading through Ruth for the 90 Day Bible Reading Challenge, I was once again struck by the dedication of Ruth to her mother-in-law Naomi.  She didn’t have to stay with her, but she chose to…

90 Day Challenge: Day 18 Check-in

Posted in Christian Life, and Military Life

Munchkin is plugging right along with her reading.  She (unlike me) has stayed on top of things and has done her reading each day.  I, on the other hand, got behind when we had company.  Other things, like making food and taking care of our guests, took priority for me.  I was too tired in the evening to read like I normally read.  So, I played catch up after our guests left.  By adding a bit to my reading each day, I was able to get caught back up. One of the verses that caught my eye this week: When…

Love, Grace, Child… Baptism Necklace

Posted in Christian Life, and Homemaking

When Munchkin decided to get baptized, I knew that I wanted to give her something special for that important moment in her life.  Since Daddy had already given her a nice study Bible a couple of years ago, that was not an option.  She had looked at some cross necklaces that she really liked, but they were gone by the time that I was able to go try to purchase one.  I then decided that I would make her a necklace, so it would be even more special to her.  This is what I came up with for her minus…