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Keeping House while Sick

Posted in Family

I’m still trying to figure out how to keep a handle on the housework when I’m feeling so lousy. Since D is home in the evenings now, it’s a bit easier as he’s able to help out. But, it’s still my job to take care of the house, and I prefer to be able to allow him to rest in the evenings. There are several things involved with maintaining the house: clutter control, actual cleaning, laundry & dishes, and meals. We also have school to think about since we’re homeschooling.


Thankfully, I have previously cooked meals in the freezer that I can pop in the oven or microwave for dinner, so we’re still having homecooked meals. I like to stock up on things when I’m really feeling well. We always have staples around for mac ‘n cheese, pasta, hot dogs, sandwiches, breakfast for supper….


We have a dishwasher, so making sure it is always accepting dishes is key. If I don’t empty it, it’s more likely that dishes will collect. My daughter is responsible for collecting any stray dishes from around the house. We try to clean pots/pans as soon as they’re used. Unfortunately, when I’m sick, just making the meals wears me out. That means that sometimes the pots and pans are left undone. **sigh**


My goal for the laundry is to do laundry as it needs to be done and not let it pile up. We have a laundry sorter. So, as each “bin” is filled, it gets thrown in the washing machine. Another key for laundry is that is must be folded right away or I will not get to it. I’m not sure why this is, but that’s how it works for me personally. D is great about helping when the laundry needs to get done.

Cleaning & De-cluttering

There are the areas that really get behind when I’m sick. It’s frustrating. Any suggestions on getting the house clean and de-cluttered while sick? Ugh! It’s not like it’s disgusting or anything, but once you get behind it takes longer to get caught back up.


The good thing about homeschooling is that we do have some flexibility, but we still need to stay somewhat on schedule. To do this, it often means that when I’m sick we go to bare bones on our homeschooling. I help her with what she needs help with, but the rest of it, she does on her own. It works for us. Also, we find other means such as videos and games to supplement what we’re learning. We love to learn from books, so that’s another great way to spend time (if my throat isn’t killing me.) It’s always nice to be able to cuddle up with a child and a good book.

So, that’s what’s happening in our home. I’m always wondering how others handle it when the mom is sick. When it’s just my daughter and I, things can be a bit more tricky and I have decide what is most important….

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