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Posted in Family, and Thoughts

Last night, I sat in bed reading, studying, and praying. Munchkin was feeling really low as she went to bed. She was really missing her Daddy. She misses talking to him before bed at night, so we cuddled a bit longer. Extra hugs and kisses were in order as well as a nice long back rub. I needed to think of special way to bring her up and remind her that even when Daddy can’t be with her, her Heavenly Father will always be there.

This morning, she woke up in a less than pleasant mood (which I had expected based on last night). I asked her to get dressed and ready to go. I had my Bible, a notebook, a devotional book, and some snacks in a backpack. The blanket was already in the car. We headed over to a local park by the water. It was a quiet place for reflection and a place where it was easy to connect with God through his beautiful creation.

We sat down on the blanket and began to talk. We did a devotional and read the Bible verses. We wrote down one of the verses as the verse for the week. We talked about the verse and the devotional. We wrote down the reasons that we were thankful for our earthly family and our heavenly family. We talked about (and wrote down) both our praises and our prayer requests. Then, we took turns praying.

After we finished praying, we sang some hymns and praises. Yes, here we were at the park singing and praising the Lord. She asked me to write down the songs so she could see the words. After I finished writing down the words, we sang again, together. Then we sat and listened to all of the sounds of nature around us and appreciated God’s awesome creation.

We talked a little while longer and snuggled a bit. Then we were surprised by a call from Daddy. After that call, we, once again, praised God for his gifts. Shortly thereafter, we packed up our things and headed home. Her spirit had changed as her focus had changed. The Lord in his infinite wisdom had given me the tools that I needed to help her.

Today had its ups and downs, and I know that there will be many more ups and downs over the next year plus. But, the Lord will provide for our needs each step of the way. We need to trust him and praise him especially during time of trials. I felt blessed today to experience his grace in a very real way this morning as Munchkin and I came together to worship and praise him.


  1. weavermom

    What a beautiful time! You are knitting an amazing relationship with your Munchkin – it’s a beautiful thing to witness, even in just words. You’re such a great mom!

    September 17, 2007
  2. Tiffany

    So warming to my heart. This is such a beautiful moment – thank you for sharing as you both transform before the Lord. Will keep you all in continued prayer as you walk through this period of D being away. Loves

    September 17, 2007
  3. Alycia

    What a special way to show your daughter in such a tangible way, of her Heavenly Father’s loving care for us. I am lifting you up in prayer….Blessings to you and your daughther and husband.

    September 17, 2007
  4. Jen

    sounds like a wonderful day
    Praise the Lord
    and Bless Munchkins Daddy
    and bless you too devildogwife for being an awesome understanding caring and loving mummy

    September 18, 2007
  5. Sheri

    What a beautiful way to show your daughter her Heavenly Father’s love. Thank you for sharing your day and for reminding me again where all my strength should come from… And, I’m praying for your Munchkin today.

    September 18, 2007

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