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Blogger Friends School #2 {Sweet Dreams}

Posted in Blogging, Fun, Homeschooling, and Thoughts

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My most comfortable place to blog is sitting in bed surrounded by comfy pillows. Sometimes, when the air is cool, I enjoy sitting out on the deck to listen to all of the wildlife and enjoy God’s creation.

Once again, I am unable to complete the assignment as I’m still not able to upload pictures. Hopefully, I’ll have my laptop home soon.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation on my heart, be acceptable in they sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” Psalms 19:14


  1. Jungle Mom
    Jungle Mom

    I’m propped up in bed right now with my trusty laptop!!!

    September 13, 2007
  2. Tumble Weed
    Tumble Weed

    Hey at least you are giving in a effort right, and you do have a bible verse, so you did get important part of the assignment done.I think that counts

    September 13, 2007
  3. Momma Roar
    Momma Roar

    I just got a laptop last week and boy do I love blogging outside on the back porch while the children sleep!!

    I enjoyed your post below too – know that I think about you often!!

    September 14, 2007
  4. Kate

    Isn’t that verse a nice one to check yourself with? I know I am always reminded by it as to how much more of an effort I need to make with my mouth.

    September 15, 2007
  5. HL

    I love that verse! Had it posted to my mirror in the bathroom for months!

    Be Blessed, Heather (as I am currently not updating my blogger account.)

    September 17, 2007

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