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Blogger Friend School Assignment #1

Posted in Fun, Homeschooling, and Thoughts

Question 1: Brief introduction into why I started blogging and my goals for journaling.

I started blogging as a way to keep friends and family updated on how we were doing and what was going on in our lives. Blogging has become a method for me to journal and keep track of different things going on in our lives. I’m bad about actually writing in a journal, so blogging has become a fun way to journal. I would like to set up a mother/daughter journal where munchkin and I can write back and forth. I think it would be a wonderful keepsake.

Question 2: Dream Place to Blog (in picture in possible)

Unfortunately, pictures aren’t doable at the moment. My current dream place to blog would be the botanical gardens that we visited this past weekend. Picture lovely, meandering trails through a beautiful, lush, fragrant garden. Gentle sounds of nature surround you…

Question 3: Getting to know me

My favorite time to blog is in the evening after I put munchkin to bed. I will sometimes pop online during the day while she’s working on school work.

My favorite drink is Dr. Pepper; there is one sitting next to me right now.

My favorite book would be the Bible. I couldn’t decide on a favorite other book. I like books and reading way too much to be able to do that.

My favorite dessert is cookies. I love fresh baked cookies right out of the oven. Yum!!

My favorite passage of scripture right now would have to be “I can to all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13. Really that whole passage of scripture is wonderful. Depending on the Lord for strength each day helps me to grow in Him and be a good example to my daughter.


  1. Tracy

    I love that verse too and it is always one of the first ones I teach my kids.


    September 7, 2007
  2. Cassidy

    GREAT POST!! Cass

    September 7, 2007
  3. Tumble Weed
    Tumble Weed

    The golden vintage look of your blog is great, and welcome to BFS I look forward to getting to know more about you in the assignments ahead.

    September 7, 2007

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