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Seasonal Delights

Posted in Thoughts

I had to do a quick post to let everyone know about a new online magazine that Kelli (and her husband) from There is No Place Like Home have put out. It’s called Seasonal Delights; it’s absolutely beautiful. You can subscribe here for free! It’s a quarterly magazine for “young ladies and their mothers”. The current (and first) issue is the Autumn issue with fabulous ideas for fall entertaining, decorating, and homemaking (and much more).


  1. Kelli

    Thank you for spreading the word, I really appreciate it! I’m so glad to hear that like the magazine!

    September 5, 2007
  2. Jen

    thanks for telling me about this
    its beautiful

    September 5, 2007
  3. Momma Roar
    Momma Roar

    I’ve been to Kelli’s and saw this – it is simply beautiful!

    I tagged you for something, play along if you like!

    September 5, 2007

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