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Month: August 2012

Stars Earn Stripes

Posted in Commercial Break, and Military Life

Throughout the Olympics, we’ve been seeing previews for the new reality show Stars Earn Stripes. We thought it might be interesting, but I honestly didn’t pay that much attention until I received a media release that talked about something that, in my opinion, should have really been played up in the advertising. While these stars who are being challenged to execute complicated missions inspired by real military exercises, they are also each competing for a cash prize during the challenges that will be donated to one of these charities that benefit military members and/or their families: MILITARY CHILD EDUCATION COALITION,…

Munchkin’s Truck: Welding and Grinding

Posted in Family, and In the Garage

I realized that it’s been some time since I’ve updated the progress on Munchkin’s truck project. There is a reason for that… At this point, things are moving pretty slow as it takes a lot of time, patience, and work for this part of the project. They’re working on removing rust, patching (welding in new sheet metal), shaping the new pieces, grinding down the welds to make a smooth surface…. You get the idea. When you throw in the summer desert heat, well, things move even slower. Munchkin isn’t doing any welding, but she does help with the rust removal.…

Crossing Values by Carrie Daws

Posted in Reviews

Crossing Values Book Description: For years, Amber traipsed around the Northwest avoiding the skeletons in her closet. Job-hopping every few weeks, she refused to let anyone get close to her as she slowly made her way east. As winter plants itself firmly across the Rockies, she decides to take a chance on a job at a logging company with a family different from any she’s ever known before. Watching the family interact creates more questions than answers for Amber. Feeling like she’s entered the happily-ever-after written at the end of fairytales, she watches for cracks in the facade. Surely as…

Baked Swai Over Brown Rice

Posted in Gluten Free, and Homemaking

Recently, we’ve decided to add more fish to our diet. Daddy is not overly fond of fish, but Munchkin loves it. When she was younger, she would eat her fish and then go around and see who else would share their fish with her. Since Daddy is not big on fish, I try to stick to fish that has a mild flavor. I decided to bake the fish tonight which Munchkin and I enjoyed. Daddy liked it better when I cooked it where it got a little more of a crust on it. Baked Swai Over Brown Rice Recipe Ingredients:…

Parmesan Cheese Crisps

Posted in Gluten Free, and Homemaking

I love these naturally gluten free Parmesan cheese chips. They are easy to make and taste great with veggies, served with soup, or even pasta. Parmesan Cheese Chips These are relatively easy to make, but you really need to keep an eye on them during the baking process so they do not burn. For a sharper crisp, used an aged Parmesan cheese. Ingredients: Shredded Parmesan Cheese (not grated!!), freshly shredded is best Pepper, other seasoning (if desired) Directions: Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Line baking sheet will Silpat or greased parchment paper. Place shredded Parmesan in small mounds (1-2 Tbsp.)…