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Month: December 2011

A Forever Home for Christmas

Posted in Family, and Photography

While I wasn’t ready to introduce a new furry buddy to our home yet, both Daddy and Munchkin really wanted to have a new puppy in time for Christmas. They couldn’t handle not having a dog to love on; they needed a dog to fill the huge void left by the passing of our other pup. This past weekend we decided to go away for the weekend.  We quickly packed up some clothes and overnight necessities and hopped into the truck.  We just needed to get out of the house.  We ended up coming home with this cute boy. I…

Tween Stocking Stuffers #CrystalRollOn #CBias

Posted in Holidays

The stockings were hung by the stairway with care…  Now let’s check out the gifts that Mommy will be putting in there… Recently, Munchkin and I went shopping for tween stocking stuffers at Walmart.  We were pleasantly surprised to find that they now carry a nice variety of natural and eco-friendly products.  I have watched Walmart begin to carry more organic and gluten free products, so it was nice to see that their expansion included items in the beauty/health area of the store.  They even had poofs made from recycled plastic in their little special $1.00 stocking stuffers bins.  (We…

Kick-Start Fitness Week 2 & Silk Milk Giveaway

Posted in Fitness

Silk Smoothie

It’s been a rather difficult week around here due to the loss of our dog and the passing of our grandpa.

Needless to say, fitness turned away from exercising and drinking enough water to more of a survival mode.  I needed to make sure that I continued to eat and eat healthy during this time of grieving.  My exercise for the beginning of the week consisted of some walking and carrying around our sweet dog around and up and down stairs…  The second half of the week my exercise consisted of lots of house cleaning.  (I like to cope with hard things by staying busy.  Plus, there were many things that needed to be done around the house due to the events earlier in the week.)  I am pleased to say that I have not had any Dr. Pepper all week which given how crazy our week is a pretty big accomplishment in and of itself.

Thankfully, I there are other members of our Kick-Start Fitness team, so there are more chances to be inspired this week.  We all keep things real when it comes to our check-ins (which I love), so you can see all of our ups and downs in our fitness journey.  Head on over and see how the rest of the team is doing this week.

Mrs. White – The Legacy of Home, (60 Day Slimdown DVD set- Giveaway)
Shannon – Mom Loves Books,
Gina – A Cherished Keeper,
Briana – I Can’t Decide
Susan – Homeschooling Hearts and Minds, 
Dawn – Guiding Light Homeschool, 
Renita – Weighing Hearts, 
Kathy – Teaching Good Things,
Angie – Petra School

This week, I’ll be giving away coupons for free Silk milk (soy, almond, or coconut). There will be 5 winners who will each receive 2 coupons.

Goodbye G’pa…

Posted in Family

Yesterday wasn’t just a difficult day due to the loss of our beloved pet.  We also lost a sweet grandfather.  G’pa was 98 years old, so he had a wonderful life.  He’s leaving behind his beloved wife of 71 years and many loved ones. D and I always say that we want to be like G’ma and G’pa because they were a wonderful testament of a lifelong marriage.  Last night, D said that he prays that we are blessed to be able to spend that many years together.  I agree.  They were by each other’s side through thick and thin,…

Saying Goodbye to a Beloved Pet

Posted in Family

When I scheduled my a Doggy Christmas post yesterday, I never imagined that I would soon be turning around and writing a post about having to say goodbye to our beloved dog. You see, this sweet pup entered our lives at 6 weeks old shortly after D and I were married.  He’s been my constant companion and shadow through good times and bad times.  He was my dog, and he went pretty much everywhere with me. We were blessed with many years with our precious boy.  He loved to explore with us and just spend time with us.  The Lord provided…