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An Afternoon Drive

Posted in Family, and Photography


Today, D drove for the first time since his surgery.  Since he really enjoys driving, this is a big deal for him.  We didn’t go very far, and I was there “just in case”.  Gradually, we’ll build him back up to his normal driving and what not.  It’s a slower process than he would like, but he’s doing well.  When it comes time for him to head back to work, it looks like he’ll actually be ready this time around.  Last time, I had a few text messages from a Marine saying the I needed to get him back to the doctor before he came back to work. lol!  (Can I just say that he works with some great guys who I truly appreciate?)

He’s even been able to start cutting back on his pain meds!  I am so thankful that his recovery is going well, and we continue to be thankful for all of the prayers from friends and family.


  1. So glad the recovery is going well!! When I was about Munchin’s age, my dad had back surgery twice in one summer… it was a crazy time!! Praying for complete healing!!
    Heidi recently posted..{virtual coffee} and some random thoughts…My Profile

    November 15, 2011

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