Theo Presents is an all new animated video series from the same man, Michael Joens, who brought to you animated favorites such as McGee and Me and Adventures in Odyssey. Mike created the concept of Theo back in 1978, but the Lord wasn’t ready to open the door for it’s production until now. One little tidbit that I found interesting is that Mike is a former Marine who ended up in the animation industry after attending Bible college. He worked for several big name companies such as Marvel Productions, Warner Brothers, and Hanna Barbera Studios before starting his own animation company. Finally, after many years of waiting, the Lord opened the doors for Theo to go into production.
We were given the opportunity to preview the new Theo productions. The Introduction to Theo dvd features 2 episodes – Episode 1: Saving Faith (preview shown in player below) and Introduction: Good News (shown in player above). The Good News video is shared freely as it is the salvation message, and they want the salvation message to be heard by everyone. In Saving Faith, viewers will hear the story of Abraham and Sarah.
Theo is an intellectual grandfather-type figure who presents the lessons from the Bible. He resides in a cozy cottage in England with his two mouse companions – Belfry and Luther. These two little characters have a passion for cookies which seems to get them in a good bit of trouble.
The episodes themselves are short presentations meant to capture the attention of children.
The story of Abraham was told in animated paper puppet fashion which was a cute way to share the story. The lesson on Abraham was a little oversimplified for my taste as it completely glossed over the fact that Abraham didn’t completely have faith in God to give him a son – thus the reason for the problems within Abraham’s family. The better showing of Abraham’s faith comes when he is told to sacrifice Isaac which is not shown in the video.
The animations and the way in which the messages are presented are very nice. I just thought the lesson on the faith of Abraham missed the mark due to the way in which Abraham’s faith was shown within the telling of the story. That being said, I do look forward to seeing how future episodes will present the Biblical truths as I think this could be a really good series.
The first full-length dvd, God’s Love, can be purchased through amazon starting on September 13th. Individual episodes are available for download on the Theo Presents website. You can also download free coloring pages for the kids and parent guides for yourself.
Now, I get to give 2 of my readers the opportunity to win the Introducing Theo dvd with special Theo tea.
Mandatory: Share your favorite kids faith-based series/movie.
Additional entries: One entry per item unless otherwise noted.
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Giveaway is open to everyone who can play region 1 dvds and ends on September 21st.
I received a copy of the above mentioned dvd to help facilitate the writing of this review. A positive review is not guaranteed, and all opinions are my own. This post contains amazon affiliate link(s).
We loved the McGee and Me videos back in the day! I would love to check these out.
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The Jonathan Park series has been enjoyed in our house.
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I’m so excited to be introduced to this series. I loved McGee and Me as a kid. My son and daughter’s favorite would be VeggieTales.
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We really like the odyssey videos. Also, Gigi and hermie
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Adventures in Odyssey is our favorite a close second is McGee and Me.
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