Last week, I wrote about the Family Movie Night on NBC. On December 3rd, A Walk in My Shoes will be premering on NBC at 7pm CST. We were given an opportunity to preview the movie a little early. We snuggled up in bed to watch the new family-friendly movie.
Movie Synopsis:
Ever judge someone just by looking at them? Of course, we’ve all made snap judgments about people. But what if we really got to know them? How would our opinions change? And what if we were forced to become them… how would the shoes fit then? Stressed-out high school teacher Trish Fahey can’t understand her students’ lack of effort and why their parents don’t seem to care. This is especially true of Justin Kremer, a popular, skateboard-loving, basketball star who is underperforming in her class. Trish has him suspended from the team and quickly chalks up the situation as a case of bad parenting. This perspective dramatically changes when Trish meets Molly, a mysterious stranger intent on helping her see things differently. When Trish wrecks her car, Molly is there as Trish wakes to find herself living the life of Cindy Kremer, the woman she has personally judged and criticized. Trish discovers that there is often more to the story and learns a powerful lesson that affects everyone she interacts with. Her husband, her daughter, the ex-Marine next door… No one is left unchanged.
Our Thoughts:
A Walk in My Shoes has solid acting with a great storyline. It’s a good reminder that we need to be more considerate of others who may be going through difficult times. We need to move outside of ourselves and our own lives to remember others. Being wrapped out in our own lives without consideration for others can only lead to being less than compassionate for others.
The one downfall for the movie is something that is particular to being a Marine family. Marines do NOT refer to themselves as soldiers. Nope, doesn’t happen. This is a glaring issue and irritation for a Marine watching the film (aka my hubby). It’s sad that the producers couldn’t go the extra mile and realize the difference in different branches of the service. There were a few other issues that tie into the military aspect of the film that bothered D, but they won’t be an issue for most people.
The way the film ended left things open for sequels to the movie. It should be interesting to see if they decide to keep following the former Marine down his new life path. Overall, we enjoyed the film and recommend watching it for a fun family movie night.
I saw a free online screening of this movie to help facilitate the writing of a frank and honest review. All opinions are my own.
LOL about the soldier thing. Kind of like my husband (army veteran) and army personnel referring to their time in boot camp. Um, no. Army does basic training.
I’m kind of surprised Dale didn’t mention the soldier thing to me. He did bring up a couple of other military issues, but nothing terribly important.
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