It’s so much fun when we’re able to get away for a long weekend. I love the family time, the relaxing, and the quiet. While it was hot this time around, the mornings and evenings were quite pleasant. It would have been nice if there would have been a little more breeze to cool us off in the evening, but it was still okay once we settled in for the night.

The sky was pitch black at night until the moon came out. The stars sparkled brilliantly above us. The difference in visibility after the moon was high in the sky was amazing. You could clearly see all around our camping area. When just the starts were above us, you could barely see your hand in front of your face.

Puppy just loved being outside. He misses being able to just roam. He was able to do that freely as there was no one else around. I’m sure the hot daytime temps were a major deterrent for most.

Our days were filled with reading, relaxing, and games. I taught Munchkin how to play Dutch Blitz which turned out to be her new favorite game. Munchkin and D did most of their riding in the morning and evening when it was cooler. We threw around the baseball and frisbee in the evenings as the sun set. We hiked a bit in the evenings as well.
We’re now home and falling back into our regular routine. We all will miss the simplicity and fun of our time in the desert….
It sounds like you had a wonderful day! I love spending time outside with my family.
.-= Cascia @ Healthy Moms´s last blog ..Getting Defiant Kids to Cooperate =-.
Well, it looks like you had a good time. Loved D’s cowboy hat!! Puppy is such a cutie pie, I;ve never heard of that game…is it a card game? It’s tough getting back into the swing of things after time away, have a great night! God Bless 🙂
wonderful photos
pleased you had a good time
.-= jen´s last blog ..The First EarthQuake in this House =-.
Looks like you have a great time. When we have been on family tour, we also love walk around and take some interesting site’s pictures during day time and night is our relaxing times.
Best Regards,