Munchkin has been hoping that she would at least get to see some snow while we were here. She misses her snow. **grin** As we were driving here, we saw snow on the mountain peaks. The closer we got the more snowy mountains we saw. Then, we saw some snow along the road. As we turned off the highway to head toward our campground, we saw patches of snow all over the place. Munchkin started to get excited. At least she would be able to play in the little patch of snow. This made her more than a little happy.
Then, we woke up to a light blanket of snow. She was ecstatic!!
Gotta clean off the truck before we head to the Grand Canyon….
Awwwwww, if Munchkin likes snow that much I’ll send her some next winter 🙂 glad she got to see some and “play” n some white stuff!!! Enjoy & be safe! God Bless 🙂
that first photo is lovely
and how nice for Munchkin
.-= jen´s last blog ..Do You Know =-.