Over the weekend, we went and visited family in North Carolina. Munchkin enjoyed playing with her cousins and her Grandma for a few days. We know that once we move these times will be far less frequent. We’ve been taking advantage of these opportunities as much as possible.
We arrived home on Tuesday and received some news about the sale of our house (not good). I had planned on getting the trailer organized this week, and getting back to a more normal schedule with Munchkin’s schooling. The news changed all of that.
To make a long story short, I had planned on repainting the house prior to putting it on the market. We were told that was not necessary. It appears that it is necessary, so I am now repainting pretty much the whole house by the weekend. I’m not thrilled to be doing this right before we leave, but at least I can make the changes prior to us moving. Ah, the joys of moving and selling a house. lol!
Thankfully, Munchkin is being a dear and allowing me to get things done. She’s helping out where she can, and enjoying some extra free time. Tonight, Daddy wasn’t home, so we had a little movie night including making ice cream sundaes. Yum!! After I tucked her into bed, I headed back to work for a while. Since D wasn’t home, I thought I’d get a little more work done as I didn’t want to spend all day Friday painting. We’ll see if my “head start” will allow me some down time tomorrow.
Now, I am off to bed. Morning will come all too quickly.
Wish I was close enough to help you! Happy Painting!