It’s time for another Tackle it Tuesday over at 5 minutes for Mom.
Last week, I was able to make the kitchen safely gluten-free (minus some baking things that I am not going to toss).
This week, I’m going to be tackling finishing up the organization of the kitchen. We still don’t have the kitchen completely under control from the move. Since we spend a lot of time in the eat-in kitchen, it really needs to be finished. As D says, one room at a time, we’ll get the house done.
For more tackles, head on over to 5 Minutes for Mom.
*SMILE* you can do it! And D’s right one room at a time and in no time you will be done – my problem is cleaning one room always leads to cleaning others to put the stuff AWAY from the first room!
As crazy as moves are, they are a GREAT opportunity to re-organize stuff. Like you said, one task, one thing, one room at a time and you’ll get there!
Good luck with your tackle!
Glutin-free? That required more than just a little organizing…that required a whole lotta research! Good job!
Yes, a move does require breaking things down into manageable pieces… room at a time…is a good philosophy….anytime.
Congrats on your last tackle and good luck on this one! Hope your kitchen is becoming home:)
D knows best and yep one thing at a time
I say one corner of the room at a time will eventually get it done! LOL! But yep – a little at a time really does get you there. I just find once I’m there, I have to start over again!
Great tackles. Have a wonderful week!