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The Joy of Friendship

Posted in Family, and Military Life

Thankful ThursdayI’ve written before that we have been blessed by good neighbors, good friends at this duty station. I was reminded again today how grateful I am for these good friendships as Munchkin happily ran around with her friend while we stood and talked with her mom, our neighbor.

Munchkin does her school work quickly and efficiently (most days), so she has time to get her chores done before her friends come over to play.  She has multiple girl friends here which has never happened in the past.  Most of her friends are Christians and homeschoolers.  Once again, that isn’t something that was not true in the past.

Each Wednesday, we pack up all 5 girls in the Suburban and head over to Awana.  Most days, we have girls over here playing.  (Sometimes the boys join in as they like that the girls are digging in the dirt.)

Many of Munchkin’s friends will be moving in the next few months, so we’re allowing her more time with them.  She is disappointed that so many friends will be moving away, but she’s enjoying the time now.  She’s finding joy in Christian friendship.

As I look at these good friendships that have developed among these girls, I am so grateful to the Lord for providing this for Munchkin.  Words can’t really portray the blessing that these friendships have been for us.

What are you thankful for this week?  You can find more Thankful Thursday at Grace Alone.


  1. Friendships are true treasures.

    February 25, 2010
  2. Good friends are hard to come by….i believe in this line…You’ve got the best friends, stick to them like a real sister. Congrats, visiting you today.

    February 25, 2010
  3. Lynda

    so many things….mostly my family 🙂 ~ my dad was Army, 21 years so we moved all over!!! My heart goes out to Munchkin, it’s sad when your friends are always leaving 🙁 but she will be o.k.!!! God Bless!

    February 25, 2010
  4. How nice that she has these sweet friends. Friends are so important. I hope each of them find new sweet friends. I think of the song, Make new friends but keep the old.

    February 25, 2010
  5. I really enjoyed your post today. It inspired me to write one. I don’t think I have ever done Thankful Thursday before. I love reading your blog.

    February 25, 2010
  6. What a wonderful post. Especially with moving every few years it’s so important to nurture friendships quickly! We haven’t lived on base for a long, long time, and now we’re in 29 Palms, and this is the first time we’ve made friends quickly. Good friends. Community is so great here. I’ll miss it when we move.

    Added your button to my blog. 🙂 I’m not sure about having my own site…LOL More work! Actually I’m enjoying tweaking this and that and have a list of things to do still.

    February 25, 2010
  7. Friendships are a wonderful thing especially those that are the “iron sharpening iron”. 😀

    February 26, 2010

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