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Tag: Pet Pictures

In Loving Memory of Teddy

Posted in Family

Theodore “Teddy” was born on September 4th to Rosita and Choco. He was quite the little guy back then. Munchkin had a blast taking care of him and babying him and his siblings. Eventually, we sold Rosita and Teddy’s sisters, so he and Choco were quite spoiled as guinea pigs. When Choco passed away, Simon and his son Alvin came into our lives. Munchkin and Daddy had gone over to adopt Alvin from someone who needed to get rid of their guinea pigs, and they ended up coming home with both Simon and Alvin. Simon was a HUGE guinea pig,…

Rain + Dirt = Muddy Horses

Posted in Family, Homesteading, and Outdoor Adventures

While we were at the cabin, we received a lot of rain which was great as it was way to dry up there, and the rain was seriously needed. At first, we thought the horses may have a hard time settling into their new location, but they took to it fairly quickly. They loved being able to hear the horses at the neighbor’s place, and the bigger place to run was immediately tried out. In fact, they were so engrossed in the new place that, for the first couple of days, they didn’t immediately come when I brought their food…

An Off-Leash Adventure

Posted in Family, and Outdoor Adventures

On Saturday afternoon, we headed out to do a little off-roading after Daddy did a little check in on some work matters. We hadn’t been out since the big rain, so it was fun to see the differences brought about by the storm. In the desert, rain means a transformation of the terrain due to flash flooding which redeposits the sandy soil, rocks, and vegetation all over the places. No matter how good they try to make the drainage near the paved roads, there is always some pretty solid destruction and places where the road is at least partially destroyed. Obviously, the dirt roads are even…

A Watermelon Summer

Posted in Family, and Photography

It’s almost July, and pretty much all of the farmer’s markets and roadside stands have been closed for some time. You see when most of the country is enjoying the bountiful harvest of the warm summer months, our area of the country shuts down due to the scorching arid desert heat of the summer. Yet, there is one thing that can still be seen for sale on the roadside – watermelon. Watermelon and summer seem to go hand in hand no matter where in the continental U.S. you live. I can remember back when Munchkin was just little. We were…