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Tag: Moving

Starting to Pack

Posted in Family, and Military Life

It’s hard to believe that it’s time to start packing for our move. Part of that is because we plan on moving out of housing a bit early. The plan, which could change as it’s not set in stone yet, is to have the movers come in May, so we’ll be out of housing by the end of May. Daddy will stay in the trailer while Munchkin and I (along with the dogs) head up to the cabin. Daddy would probably come up there most weekends, but that all depends on what is going on. We haven’t worked out all…

We’ve Got Orders – 29 Palms

Posted in Family, and Military Life

Last month, we were shocked when we learned that D’s orders were already in the system. Ironically, it happened on his birthday, so that was pretty cool. More often then not, we end up not having too much lead time before we have to move, so this was a pleasant surprise. Because it’s not too far away from here, we will be able to do some house hunting ahead of time which is a good thing since the wait time for base housing right now is 12-18 months. We’re only slated to be there for 24 months. lol! When we…

Trying to Stay Focused

Posted in Family, and Military Life

It’s turned into a huge school zone around our house. Munchkin is working on her classwork. I’m working on my photography classwork. Daddy is working on his military classwork. It’s weird having all of us working on different classes, but it’s also a wee bit funny to see us all trying to focus on the task at hand. With Munchkin’s best friend and her family moving this week, staying focused has been much more difficult. She wants to spend as much time with her as possible before they say goodbye on Friday. For this reason, I gave her today off from…

Our Crazy Military Life: Another Change

Posted in Family, Military Life, and Photography

Life as a military family is never dull. Nope… It’s always filled with interesting twists and turns that keep you on your toes. When we learned that there was the possibility that we’d be receiving orders to Okinawa, Japan, our family groaned as this was not in our plans. There was still the chance that we’d be sent somewhere else, so we just let things be. Then, we found out that we were indeed receiving orders there, so my mindset completely changed. It appeared that our plans were not the Lord’s plans. I had to embrace this new reality and…

Preparing for an Overseas Military Move

Posted in Family, and Military Life

Normally, every 3 years (give or take a year) we receive orders. It seems that we rarely (if ever) actually get our preferred duty station. Thankfully, the Lord always works things out for us, so we end up being somewhere that works out for us in some way or another. Before moving here, we were unexpectedly stationed in southern Virginia. This was not on the radar for us, but Munchkin and I very much enjoyed it. Daddy was deployed most of our time living there, so he didn’t really get to enjoy it as much. lol! Once he got back…