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Tag: Marriage Monday

Marriage Monday: Challenge Week 3

Posted in Christian Life

Aren’t you glad that there is a wonderful thing called forgiveness? Forgiveness from God — the ultimate forgiveness and forgiveness from other — the forgiveness that makes life livable. This week has been filled with a few ups and downs. Overall, I did well at meeting my goals, but the fact of the matter is I also had some slip-ups. I won’t offer any excuses because in reality those don’t matter. All that matters is that I messed up and sought forgiveness. Because of all of the craziness this week, it was more difficult to focus on making sure that…

Marriage Monday: Challenge Week 2

Posted in Christian Life, and Family

It’s week 2 of the Honor Your Husband Challenge. This week started out with a big bump in the road. Not bad, but it’s going to keep me busy this week. We just found out last night that we’re going to have company this weekend. This means that I have to get the house done now. lol! Nothing like company to light a fire under you to get the unpacking done. What does this have to do with the challenge? Well, the truth is that I tend to get a bit cranky when I get faced with this type of…

30-Day Honor Your Husband Challenge

Posted in Christian Life

Christine over Fruit in Season is having a 30-day Honor Your Husband Challenge. Choose a few small goals for yourself each week and make sure to post them. Write them on post-its and put them on your mirror, in your car and your purse, or anywhere else you’ll see them. Keep a journal for the month about successes and struggles. What is hardest for you to do? What comes easily? How is your husband responding to your efforts? My goals for this week: 1) Find replacement gluten-free foods for D’s favorite foods.2) Try to allow him a bit more down…

Marriage Monday: Roles

Posted in Christian Life

What is your definition of a traditional marriage? Do you consider yours to be traditional or contemporary?What scriptures do you turn to (if any) when determining your role in your marriage?In the sharing of duties in your home (childcare, work, house cleaning), are you and your husband satisfied with the way things get done? If not, how would you or he like it to change? My idea of a traditional marriage is a marriage where the man is the head of the household and the bread winner. The wife plays the role of the support system for the husband. This…

Marriage Monday

Posted in Christian Life

It’s a holiday weekend! So in that spirit our topic on Monday will be vacations, dates and other times away. Here are some questions to ponder this weekend: Do you take vacations as a family, with just your husband, or both?What are those vacations like? Do they wear you out or refresh you?Do you schedule regular date nights? If so, do you talk about your children (if you have them) or have a children-free-conversation rule?Do you have family out of town and if so, how often do you visit them? Is it stressful or relaxing to visit? How do all…