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Tag: Gratituesday

Gearing up for Thanksgiving

Posted in Family, Holidays, and Homemaking

Our Thanksgiving preparations actually begin way back in October.  You see, we decorate for harvest starting on October 1st.  When the 1st of November arrives, we start to add in some Thanksgiving specific decorations.  The beginning of November also means that we’ll be doing some sort of a thankful craft.  This year, we did the Gratitude Tree.  Last year, we did the Giving Thanks Turkey craft.  Whatever craft we do, the purpose is to remind us to remain thankful during the month. Going gluten free changed how I prepared our Thanksgiving meal.  For years, I used doctored up store products…

Our Lifestyle of Learning

Posted in Homeschooling

We live in the United States of America ~ Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.  We are a nation born from hard work and sacrifice, a nation founded on Biblical principles, and a nation valuing freedom.  While we have seen some of these things slowly slip away over the years as our nation has moved away from many of the ideals of the first settlers and our Founding Fathers, we still enjoy a great number of freedoms that citizens/residents of other countries do not enjoy. There was a time, not so long ago, when homeschooling was the…

Gratituesday: Laughter

Posted in Family

Ironically, I have no pictures for today’s post.  I was too busy listening. I was sitting in bed working on getting a few reviews done when the laughing began.  Giggles and squeals.  I love the sound of children’s laughter.  It so joyful, so pure.  It’s contagious. Munchkin was working on her math, and she saw me smile.  She asked me what I was smiling about.  I told her to listen.  She grinned and peeked outside.  Jump, jump, giggle, whop, flop, giggle, tumble, jumple, giggle… Who was the source of the laughter?  Where was it coming from?  The source was two…

Gratituesday: Unexpected Surprises

Posted in Family, and Photography

As we were coming home from our little desert outing on Sunday, we saw this big hot air balloon floating ahead of us.  The closer we got to home, the more we realized that it was going to go right over our house!  Now, keep in mind that we live in base housing, so having non-military aircraft (even a hot air balloon) go over our house is not the norm. As soon as we pulled near the house, Munchkin and I hopped out of the truck.  I had my camera in hand as the balloon went over our head.  All…

Gratituesday: Hard Working Husband

Posted in Family

D is a hard worker.  He doesn’t like to sit idley around and do nothing.  If he’s off work for too long, he starts to get antsy.  in fact, if he knows that he’s going to have a long weekend, he starts asking me what I want done.  Yep, that’s right, he asks for a honey do list!  **grin** D is also good at fixing things.  He likes to try to figure out how to do different tasks.  He enjoys the challenge of determining what is wrong and then repairing it. These things are coming in very handy this week. …