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Tag: Cleaning

When cleaning makes you smile

Posted in Homemaking

I’d love to say that I’m one of those people that takes great joy in cleaning my home, but I’m not.  I don’t dread it, but I don’t enjoy it like I do baking/cooking.  So, it’s always nice when something happens to make me smile while I’m cleaning… I admit that I get a bit frustrated at the daily drips of syrup that are left on the kitchen counter, but today’s drip was rather amusing.  Have you noticed all the hearts that I’ve been finding lately?  So, as I’m cleaning the counter, I decide that I have to take a…

Flyfest in Springfield, Va

Posted in Homemaking

On Saturday, I was able to attend a Flyfest in Springfield, Va. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Have you ever heard of Flylady and the Dinner Diva? No, well head over to and you’ll see what I’m talking about. It was a great time of refreshing and learning for me. I enjoyed spending the day with a bunch of Christian women who were working on improving their lives. Talk about a positive environment. It was great. I came home feeling motivated and renewed. This was just a mini Flyfest. I hope to attend a full-scale Flyfest someday. I…