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Category: Photography

3 in 30: February Week 2

Posted in Homemaking, and Photography

Project 365 – #042 February – the month of love.  Little did I know as I set my goals for this month that only a week into the challenge I would be sitting on the sidelines while my daughter took care of me. I set goals for February that would allow me to show love in my relationship with Christ, my relationship with my family, and my relationship with myself.  I ended up not really accomplishing the goals that I had set up for myself this week. Instead, I found that I watched my daughter’s love for me shine through…

A Servant’s Heart

Posted in Family, Homemaking, and Photography

Project 365 – #041 This week has not been an easy week for us here at the Marine Corps Nomads household.  I’ve been down sick since Sunday.  D’s back issues have been flaring up again making moving around much too difficult.  (He’s still going to work, but, much to his dismay, he’s unable to exercise or do much work around the house. He’s been to the doctor this week for another “initial” appointment as they forgot to put through his original referral.  He has a second appointment tomorrow.  If you could pray that they’ll make some progress towards a diagnosis…

M&M Faith

Posted in Christian Life, and Photography

Project 365 – #040 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.. ~Hebrews 11:1~ Red is the color of the blood Jesus gave To forgive our sins so we can be saved. Brown is the color on the cross in which He died. Orange is for joy when Jesus was alive. Green reminds us of the new life we have been given. Blue is the color of our home in heaven. Yellow is the color of the sun in the sky. Jesus, God’s son, rules from on high. The colors of the candies…

Homeschooling an Only

Posted in Christian Life, Homeschooling, and Photography

Project 365 – #039 You shall teach them [the commandments] diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. ~Deuteronomy 6:7~ Homeschooling an only child holds some unique challenges as well as a different degree of flexibility than homeschooling multiple children.  My observations are based upon our experiences, so they may not hold true for all families who are homeschooling an only. Curriculum Choices I often find myself looking differently at curriculum that larger families see as great buys. …

What is Love?

Posted in Christian Life, and Photography

Project 365 – #038 So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. ~I Corinthians 13:13~ What is love? Love is cuddling on the coach while watching a movie. Love is preparing a meal for your loved ones. Love is a back massage. Love is laughter while getting tucked in at bedtime. Love is little notes written on the mirror. Love is listening purposefully to a tale being told. Love is doing dishes and laundry. Love is a kiss and a hug goodbye and hello. Love is working on projects together. Love is…