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Category: Homemaking

Gluten Free Cherries and Cream Oatmeal

Posted in Gluten Free, and Homemaking

Project 365 – #197 We obviously enjoy our breakfast foods around our house.  One of the things that we like to have for breakfast is oatmeal.  After going gluten free, oats were off limits due to cross contamination issues.  Thankfully, we are now able to purchase certified gluten free oats which allow us to create some of our favorite oatmeal dishes. We enjoy things like baked oatmeal and oatmeal bars, but nothing beats the simplicity of oatmeal, fresh fruit, and cream.  We use gluten free whole grain rolled oats which take a little longer to cook than instant oats, but…

Make Your Own Neck Cooler

Posted in Homemaking

Project 365 – #194 Summer is here in full force, and we have family coming in to visit.  It’s hot enough for those of us who live here, so I know it’s going to be rather toasty for our visitors.  After making a few neck coolers for D, Munchkin, and myself for the 4th of July weekend, I decided it would be nice to make some for the rest of our family during their vacation here. This project is a great way to use up scrap material left over from other sewing projects. Materials needed: Aqua Gems (polymer beads that…

Chocolate Mousse and Cherry Parfait

Posted in Gluten Free, and Homemaking

Project 365 – #190 We picked up some delicious cherries at Walmart today, so I thought I would use some of the chocolate mousse that I had made up from the previous day with the cherries to create a parfait.  It was such a big hit that we’ve gone through almost of the cherries that just purchased.  (Note: this batch of mousse did not set up like usual for whatever the reason, so it isn’t as fluffy as normal.  At least it still tasted delicious. lol!) Gluten Free Chocolate Mousse Recipe Ingredients: 1/2 C heavy whipping cream 1 tsp pure…

Hearty Breakfast

Posted in Gluten Free, Homemaking, and Photography

Project 365 – #189 Yet another hearty breakfast for my Marine.  He loves to start his day with a solid breakfast.  It doesn’t always happen, but it’s definitely what he prefers.  Me?  I’d be happy with a muffin or breakfast bar.  😉  Munchkin likes a wide assortment of items for breakfast – as long as mommy gets them for her.  lol! Sorry I’m so late in posting today.  It’s been a long day of working on the computer and blog.  I have a love – hate relationship with technology….

Gluten Free Cheese Bread

Posted in Gluten Free, Homemaking, and Photography

Project 365 – #183 I’ve seen these called Brazilian Cheese Puffs, but I made ours a little differently than the traditional cheese puffs.  These are naturally gluten free due to the ingredients.  I love how quick and easy these are to make. You literally just toss the ingredients in the blender, blend, pour, and bake.  Simple, easy, delicious.  These little bites are packed with flavor. After my sister had these at a restaurant, she called me to see if I could come up with a recipe that would work.  I hunted here and there for different recipes.  In the end,…