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Category: Fun

Blogger Friend School Assignment #1

Posted in Fun, Homeschooling, and Thoughts

Question 1: Brief introduction into why I started blogging and my goals for journaling.I started blogging as a way to keep friends and family updated on how we were doing and what was going on in our lives. Blogging has become a method for me to journal and keep track of different things going on in our lives. I’m bad about actually writing in a journal, so blogging has become a fun way to journal. I would like to set up a mother/daughter journal where munchkin and I can write back and forth. I think it would be a wonderful…

My Critique is in…

Posted in Blogging, and Fun

First off I must say thank you to this military family for Devildog’s service…As for the blog, although being only a few months old, it has already accumulated over 175 posts which tells me that devildog wife enjoys what we all like doing and that is blogging! Devil Dogs’s wife blogs about her life and her family as they lie the life of a military family. It’s not surprising to see that a majority of the posts revolve around family and it is clear to see that family is everything with these folks. Strong faith and a love for each…