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Category: Christian Life

Advent Week Three in Review

Posted in Christian Life, Family, and Holidays

Advent Reading:  We continued our reading of Jotham’s Journey. Each night seems to leave us on the edges of our seats.  All of us are enjoying the readings.  We sit in bed.  Daddy and Munchkin cuddle while I read the story.  They tend to giggle at some of the voices that I use.  Munchkin says that my voice for one of the characters is quite creepy (that’s good since he’s really a evil person). School: Munchkin continued with her Names of Jesus study.  This week, she learned about: Redeemer Resurrection and Life The Way, The Truth, The Life Immanuel Holy…

Advent Week Two in Review

Posted in Christian Life, Family, and Holidays

Advent Reading:  We continued our reading of Jotham’s Journey.  The reading this week had lots of surprises and excitement.  We look forward to our nightly readings and can’t wait to see what happens next.  This week’s focus was on God being in control even when it doesn’t seem like it. School: Munchkin continued with her Names of Jesus study.  This week, she learned about: Wonderful Counselor Prince of Peace Bread of Life Lamb of God Savior Home: We worked on several handmade Christmas and birthday gifts.  Munchkin is working on a sewing project by herself that will be a gift. …

Advent Week One in Review

Posted in Christian Life, Family, and Holidays

This week, we read through week one of Jotham’s Journey.  If you haven’t read this book for Advent before, I highly recommend it.  Two years ago, a friend showed it to me when we started talking about Advent activities.  I couldn’t find it until last year.  Unfortunately, last year, due to me recovering from surgery, we never made it past the first 2 days.  This year, we are really enjoying our journey with Jotham. Munchkin worked on her Names of Jesus Keepsake Tree.  She researched these names: Shiloh Messiah Morning Star Good Shepherd Munchkin wrote her findings on notebooking pages…

While You Were Sleeping

Posted in Christian Life, and Holidays

While You Were Sleeping sung by Casting Crowns Oh little town of Bethlehem Looks like another silent night Above your deep and dreamless sleep A giant star lights up the sky And while you’re lying in the dark There shines an everlasting light For the King has left His throne And is sleeping in a manger tonight Oh Bethlehem, what you have missed while you were sleeping For God became a man And stepped into your world today Oh Bethlehem, you will go down in history As a city with no room for its King While you were sleeping While…

Thanksgiving Medley

Posted in Christian Life, and Holidays

Thanksgiving Medley We gather togetherto ask the Lord’s blessing;He chastens and hastensHis will to make known; The wicked oppressingnow cease from distressing,Sing praises to His name;He forgets not His own. Beside us to guide us,Our God with us joining,Ordaining, maintainingHis kingdom devine; So from the beginningThe fight we were winning;Thou, Lord, wast at our side;All glory be Thine! For the beauty of the earth,For the glory of the skies,For the Love which from our birthOver and around us lies,Lord of all, to Thee we raiseThis our hymn of grateful praise. Come, ye thankful people come,Raise the song of harvest home!All…