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Category: Christian Life

WFW: Go to the ant…

Posted in Christian Life

Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise, Which, having no captain, Overseer or ruler, Provides her supplies in the summer, And gathers her food in the harvest. ~ Proverbs 6:6-8 ~ This past week, we spent time out in the dessert.  D was teaching Munchkin to ride her dirt bike, and I decided to take a photo tour of the area.  I was walking around looking for heart shapes in nature for this week’s Foto Friday Challenge when I stumbled upon this ant hill.  The ants were scurrying about collecting food.  They worked together to…

Bible in 90 Days: Day 46 Check-In

Posted in Christian Life

I was thrilled to be in Psalms for our reading this week.  I often turn to Psalms when I need comfort or inspiration.  It’s filled with so much emotion from hurt to anger to pure joy.  The emotions contained within this book of the Bible are eloquently presented, and conversations with God are played out before our eyes.  There is so much to be learned from this book of the Bible. Honestly, Psalms is one of those books that is hard to go through quickly because there is so much there to digest.  I did get behind as I soaked…

Bible in 90 Days: Day 39 Check-In

Posted in Christian Life

Munchkin is still ahead of schedule, and I am on target for my reading.  Some days are easier than others to get the reading done.  Some passages are more difficult to than others to read. I have always enjoyed both the story of Ester and the story of Job.  Ester is an example of how listening to our elders and making the best of our situation can have a huge, positive impact on our lives and those around us. Job is an excellent example to us of blessing the Lord, praising the Lord no matter what circumstances we are currently…