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Category: Blogging

Blog policies and some blogging fun.

Spring Reading Thing

Posted in Blogging

Katrina at Callapidder Days is hosting the Spring Reading Thing 2008. Spring Reading Thing 2008 is simply an opportunity for us to set some reading goals, share them with the blogosphere, and work toward them this spring. Here is my list for this spring: Slug Bread & Beheaded Thistles: Amusing and Useful Techniques for Nontoxic Housekeeping and Gardening by Ellen Sandbeck Eat More Dirt: Diverting and Instructive Tips for Growing and Tending an Organic Garden by Ellen Sandbeck Green Housekeeping by Ellen Sandbeck Green Clean by Linda Mason Hunter and Mikki Halpin I won the book Summer by Karen Kingsbury…

Blogger Friend School: Shopping Spree

Posted in Blogging, Fun, and Homeschooling

This assignment I hope proves to fun and exciting! This week you are given $1000 PRETEND online spending money! The rules are simple for this assignment. Using ANY online store…write out a shopping list of what you would buy! You can even post pictures of the items you’re buying, if you want, it’s not required. These things should be things for YOURself ONLY! List the name of the website with a link and include product item # and cost…you must use all your $1000 without going over! As a bonus every commentator will have their name put in a basket…

Clogs in Europe?

Posted in Blogging, Fun, and Thoughts

I found this quiz over at DaddysChicks and got a kick out of it… You Are Clogs You are a solid and down to earth person. You seek – and almost always achieve – a really sound balance in your life. You are stylish yet comfortable. Mellow but driven. Excited yet calm. You are the perfect mesh of contradictions. No matter what happens, you have the ability to stay well grounded in your life. People know that they can truly depend on you. You should live: In Europe You should work: At a company dedicated to helping the world What…