Daddy believes very strongly that Munchkin needs to know how to do regular vehicle maintenance. Today, he decided it was time for Munchkin to learn to do a complete oil change on her truck. It’s the first oil change since getting the truck. One thing that we’ve found since Munchkin purchased the project truck is that regular maintenance was obviously not a top priority for previous owners. Daddy plans on changing that fact as he wants Munchkin to learn how to take pride in maintaining her own vehicle. Part of that process is getting to know her vehicle by reading the vehicle maintenance manual. (She’s outside reading how to complete the oil change per Daddy’s instructions.)

Munchkin has no issue getting dirty, but it appears that oily/greasy is a different issue. Daddy informed her that her hands were suppose to get oily. She kindly informed Daddy that she was going to wash her hands. I just had to laugh as the two of them are like two peas in a pod which often leads to bickering while they work on different projects. I stay out of it other than taking pictures of the project. You see, my main job during the restoration of this truck is to take pictures of the process from beginning to the end.

Today’s pictures (other than those of the oil change) were rather depressing as there is a good bit of body work that needs to be done to the front of the cab. The more they take apart the vehicle and do sanding, the more issues show up. It’s just the nature of an older project truck. The truck is solid, but the cab has some major rust issues. Munchkin used birthday money to purchase some new parts to address some of the issues. Once this work is done, we’ll be able to get back to focusing on the interior work more before tackling the rest of the truck. That means that I need to get to work on reupholstering the seats in her truck. That’s my other job – making the seats look nice using the colors Munchkin chose – maize and blue. We’re all looking forward to the interior getting finished. There is something rewarding about having at least one job complete.
good on D
will he give me lessons?
Munchkin will know better how to look after a vehicle than I do before shes finished I bet it will safe her $$ in the long run
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