I can’t believe we’re already in 2020. It seems like 2019 just started, and here we are in a new year. We had a crazy year filled with big events both good and bad. I had plans to be solid in my blogging, but I truly lost track of time as we tackled one thing after another. I thought it would be fun to take a look back at some of the major events from this past year as we begin 2020.

January found us starting the new year with snow. We were pretty excited to be enjoying the snow, but we had no idea how much snow would come our way that winter. Taking care of the critters was quite the adventure with 2+ feet of snow on the ground. Between all of the snow and rain, the roads were rather crazy getting to and from our place.

D and I got in a little hiking, but not nearly as much as we would have liked. My favorite hike was probably an impromptu hike in the snow. Thankfully, someone had broken a trail or it would have been a bit more difficult to make our way around the trail.

Munchkin and I enjoyed a fun trip to our local zoo while she was home for a break from college. It was a nice change of pace for me and a good break from schoolwork for Munchkin. We learned that we definitely need to go back in warmer weather as not all of the animals were available for viewing.

May found us finally putting up our barn. Grandma and Grandpa flew in to help us build the barn which was fitting given they started the process with us a few years ago. It was great to be spend time with them and create some great memories in the process of building.

July brought a crazy road trip for D and me. We saw a good part of the country as we headed to visit family on the other side of the country. Munchkin stayed home to work and take care of all of the critters. Wyatt was pretty tired of riding in the truck by the time we got back home. We were all glad to sleep in our own bed. It was great to spend one-on-one time with D while we traveled, and it was nice to spend some time with family that we hadn’t seen for some time.

Before heading back to college, we took Munchkin to the aquarium. She wanted to do something fun that would also allow her to get some cool pictures for her photography portfolio.
November saw D have his 3rd back surgery. It was a long, complicated surgery. While the surgery went well, he did have some complications afterwards which required a longer hospital stay than expected. It was nice when he was finally able to come home.

After D arrived home from the hospital, he received his degree in the mail. That’s right! He finally completed his doctorate. To say I’m super proud of his hard work is a major understatement.

December was another huge occasion with Munchkin graduating from college. D wasn’t going to miss his baby girl’s graduation even if he was only 4 weeks post op. We brought her home the next day. It was time for a little down time and family time.
Sadly, Munchkin’s guinea pig passing away on Christmas morning. It ended up being a different kind of Christmas for us this year. It was all about lifting up our girl as she was hurting. We set aside normal traditions and focused on things that lightened the mood.
Thankfully, the year ended on a better note when we were given 2 young guinea pigs. They couldn’t replace the sweet one that we lost, but it helped ease the pain of the loss.