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Month: January 2014

Review: Mere Christianity Critical Analysis Journal by Stacy Farrell

Posted in Reviews

Mere Christianity Critical Analysis Journal Book Description: The classic work commonly known as Mere Christianity is actually a four-book series which explores the common ground upon which all Christians stand. It brings together Lewis’ legendary radio talks broadcast during World War II previously published as: Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe, What Christians Believe, Christian Behavior, and Beyond Personality (or First Steps in the Doctrine of the Trinity), and provides an unequaled opportunity for believers and nonbelievers alike to hear this powerful apologetic for the Christian faith. The Mere Christianity Critical Analysis Journal is a powerful tool to strengthen critical thinking while cultivating…

Bowl Game Fun

Posted in Family

When we learned that Michigan would be playing in the Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl at Sundevil Stadium while we were in AZ, we knew that we wanted to try to go to the game. Munchkin had never been to a live football game, so we thought it would be fun to go as a family. She wasn’t overly excited at first, but once we arrived at the game, everything changed. We were fortunate to be able to get free tickets through Veteran Tickets Foundation who give out a massive number of free tickets to vets and their families throughout the…

31 Days to Pray for Your Spouse Challenge

Posted in Family, and Reviews

I believe very strongly that we should be praying for our spouses each day – not to change them, but rather to lift them up. Our spouses are bombarded with temptations and hardships every day. They can’t walk down the street, read a magazine, look online, or watch tv without temptation being thrown in their faces. They are under a lot of pressure to provide for their families, be good husbands, be good fathers, be good sons…. As a wife, I want to do everything in my power to help my husband succeed in life and in our marriage. When…

Review: Wife After God by Jennifer Smith

Posted in Reviews

Do you want to improve your relationship with God and with your spouse? Do you want to start to build a better marriage? If the answer is yes to either or both of these questions, you might want to check out the Wife After God devotional by Jennifer Smith. Wife After God is a simple 30 day devotional that takes a look into what the Bible says about marriage. Each day, you will be reading a short devotional with a focus verse. You will then be given an action challenge as well as a prayer. If you’re on social media, you…

Review: Happy Wives Club

Posted in Reviews

Happy Wives Club Book Description: Happy Wives Club is Fawn’s journey across the world to meet new friends and discover what makes their marriages great. Join her on this exciting, exotic trip across six continents and through more than eighteen cities. Walk the streets of Mauritius, the historic ruins in Italy, and the vistas of New Zealand and Australia. Go from Cape Town to London, Manila to Buenos Aires, Winnipeg to Zagreb. Along the way, you will meet everyday women whose marriage secrets span cultures. You will hear their stories, witness their love, and be inspired by the proof that happy,…