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Month: March 2012

Family Movie Night: VeggieTales Robin Good Giveaway

Posted in Reviews

VeggieTales Robin GoodVeggieTales Robin Good and His Not-So-Merry Men takes the classic tale of Robin Hood a puts a huge VeggieTale spin on it. Robin Good and his men are fundraising in the forest to raise money to purchase hams for the poor. When his men decide it would be easier to steal from the rich to give to the poor, Robin Good tells them it’s wrong to steal, so his not-so-merry men part ways with Robin. This hurts Robin deeply, but when he hears his not-so-merry men have been captured he needs to decide if he can put aside that hurt to rescue them.

While this latest VeggieTales video wasn’t exactly what we were expecting, it was a fun twist on the classic tale. It’s a wonderful reminder that God is greater than all hurts and problems in this world. Yes, it’s a little cheesy at times, but that’s what makes VeggieTales a fun way for kids to learn important lessons.

This disc features the short Lenny & The Lost Birthday starring Junior Asparagus (a fun take on birthdays and leap year) and Silly Songs with Larry starring Bubble Rap (gotta love a rap that is all about bubble wrap).

Other features include:

  • Leapin’ Leap Year lesson
  • “Fun”-Raising with Larry
  • “Things Will Get Better” – singalong song
  • “Prince of Ham” – singalong song
  • Robin Good’s Guide to Handling Hurt – Discussion Guide

***Rafflecopter Giveaway***

One reader will be adding Robin Good to their VeggieTales video collection. Giveaway is open to U.S. residents and ends 3/23.

I receive a copy of the above mentioned dvd to help facilitate the writing of a frank and honest review. A positive review is not guaranteed, and all opinions are my own.

Family Movie Night: The WoodCarver Giveaway

Posted in Reviews

The WoodCarverErnest Otto (John Ratzenberger) has recently lost his wife and is having difficultly in finding hope for the future. Matthew Stevenson is hurting due to his the pending divorce of his parents which leads to some poor choices. When this unlikely pair come together, a beautiful mentoring relationship helps Otto once again find purpose in his life and Matthew find direction in his life. Together, they find that through faith they can accomplish great things. Through Otto’s mentoring Matthew learns not only the skill of woodworking but also how to live his life in a manner that would be pleasing to Jesus. Otto also finds himself mentoring Matthew’s parents and guiding them to a healthier marriage with Christ as the head.

The Woodcarver (rated PG) is a follow-up to the movie What Would Jesus Do featuring John Schneider which we haven’t watched. We’ll probably add that to our list of “to watch” family movie night movies. We found that The Woodcarver shares many similarities to another movie – The Last Brickmaker in America which we enjoyed a few months ago during one of our family movie nights.

Overall, we all enjoyed the movie. We found ourselves talking through the movie when a variety of situations arose with the teen and parents or with the interactions between the parents. It definitely lends itself to a great deal of discussion about the family. We also talked about the importance of putting Christ first in a marriage and family as this was one of the central themes in the movie.

If you’re looking for a clean movie for family movie night, you’ll want to add The Woodcarver to your list.

**Rafflecopter Giveaway**

One reader will be having their own family movie night with a copy of The Woodcarver on dvd. Giveaway is open to everyone and ends March 23rd.

I received a copy of the above mentioned dvd to help facilitate the writing of a frank and honest review. A positive review is not guaranteed, and all opinions are my own.

Gluten Free Baked Chicken Parmesan

Posted in Gluten Free, Homemaking, and Photography

This version of Gluten Free Baked Chicken Parmesan is easy as it requires no breading. I do everything in a single cast iron skillet which makes clean-up much faster. If you have a bigger family, you’ll want to transfer the chicken to a baking dish once you’ve seared the chicken instead of keeping it in the cast iron skillet. Ingredients: 1 boneless skinless chicken breast per person 1/2 cup sauce for each person 1/8 – 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese for each person seasoning (I use oregano, basil, garlic powder) Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Preheat cast iron skillet…

Playing with the Herd

Posted in Family, and Photography

On any given day, you can probably find Munchkin and her good friend behind our houses in the grassy area playing. Many days, you will find them playing with the herd. It takes them some time to get everything all set up as between the two of them they have quite the set of horses. (They do take breaks from the horses and play with other animals or occasionally American Girls, but lately, horses seem to be the animal of choice.) They can play for hours (if allowed) with the horses. They make up elaborate stories to go along with…

Review: The Art of Argument

Posted in Reviews

The Art of Argument: an Introduction to the Informal Fallacies is a curriculum which helps students learn logic and critical thinking. Once completed, students should be able to identify flawed arguments and create proper statements (arguments) of their own. Students will learn from real life examples about 28 different fallacies which are broken down into 3 main fallacies: relevance, presumption, and clarity. The 28 different fallacies covered in this book include: Ad Hominem Abusive Ad Hominem Circumstantial Tu Quoque Genetic Fallacy Appeal to Fear Appeal to Pity Mob Appeal Snob Appeal Appeal to Illegitimate Authority Chronological Snobbery Appeal to Ignorance…