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Review: For You They Signed

Posted in Reviews

For You They SignedFor You They Signed
The Spiritual Heritage of Those Who Shaped Our Nation

by Marilyn Boyer

When you look at the famous painting of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, how many of the signers can you recognize? (Not all signers are depicted in Trumbull’s not quite accurate Declaration of Independence painting.)  It was this question that lead Marilyn Boyer to dig deeper into our nation’s history, into the lives of our Founding Fathers. Both what she found in her research, and the realization of how little she knew about the real history of our nation resulted in the writing of For You They Signed.

Munchkin and I have been studying both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution over the last couple of months, so this book came to us at a perfect time.  It’s set up so it can be used as character studies, independent studies, general reading, or a great history study.  There is a downloadable study/activity guide that comes free with purchase.  Each character study concludes with review questions.  I’m impressed with the number of ways this book can be used by individuals, groups, and families.FYTS Coloring Page

I decided that we would use this book as a general reading history study.  We’re just reading about one of our Founding Fathers each day.  We talk about the reading for the day, and discuss some of the questions.  I have printed out the activity book to use here and there.  While it would be very easy to use each character study as a full week’s study, I thought it would better suit us, at this time, to just do the reading.

FYTS Character QualityBoth Munchkin and I are working on digesting an enormous amount of information about these men who signed the Declaration of Independence.  After reading about these men, I’m flabbergasted that anyone could even try to claim that our nation was not founded on Christian principles.  Munchkin is enjoying hearing the quotes from original writings of the men and their colleagues as it makes the men and information more real.  (She says it helps that I use a different voice when I’m reading their quotes.)  We are both walking away with a better appreciation for these men, and what they were willing to sacrifice for their principles and for our country.

For You They Signed is a beautiful, large 342-page hardcover book.  Each character study has a portrait of the man being studied.  The studies contain all of the key information at the beginning and wrap up with the review questions.  This book is sure to become a must have book for every Christian family who has an interest in really getting to know the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Book Details:

  • Reading level: Young Adult
  • Hardcover: 342 pages
  • Publisher: New Leaf Publishing Group/Master Books (August 26, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0890515980
  • ISBN-13: 978-0890515983
  • Retail Price: $34.99

I received a copy of this book from Master Books/New Leaf Publishing to facilitate the writing of this review. All opinions are my own.

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