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Month: October 2010

Songs for Sunday: Here with Me

Posted in Christian Life

Here with Me by Mercy Me I long for your embrace Every single day To meet you in this place And see you face to face Will you show me? Reveal yourself to me Because of your mercy I fall down on my knees And I can feel your presence here with me Suddenly I’m lost within your beauty Caught up in the wonder of your touch Here in this moment I surrender to your love You’re everywhere I go I am not alone You call me as your own To know you and be known You are holy And…

Zion: Weeping Rock

Posted in Family, and Outdoor Adventures

After getting off the shuttle bus, we took a nice hike up to Weeping Rock. At the top of the trail, you could stand under a mellow waterfall.  The spritzing droplets of water helped cool the air around us.  Some people were taking some of the wet, red clay and rubbing it on their skin. Munchkin liked looking out over the landscape below and snapping pictures while the water dripped unto the ledge. Munchkin and I took turns taking the following shots.  A couple of trees made this fun archway across the hiking trail. The final stop at our Zion…

Review: For You They Signed

Posted in Reviews

For You They Signed The Spiritual Heritage of Those Who Shaped Our Nation by Marilyn Boyer When you look at the famous painting of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, how many of the signers can you recognize? (Not all signers are depicted in Trumbull’s not quite accurate Declaration of Independence painting.)  It was this question that lead Marilyn Boyer to dig deeper into our nation’s history, into the lives of our Founding Fathers. Both what she found in her research, and the realization of how little she knew about the real history of our nation resulted in the…

Zion: Zion Lodge & Emerald Pools

Posted in Family, and Outdoor Adventures

Zion Lodge has a huge cottonwood tree that has a trunk over seven feet in diameter.  We enjoyed walking across the lush green grass and standing beneath the cottonwood tree.  We decided to splurge and pick up a couple of smoothies from the little restaurant they have at the lodge.  Since we didn’t want to sit while drinking our smoothies, we chose to hike up to the Emerald Pools. Due to the time of year, the Emerald Pools were a little less than spectacular, but the hike itself was beautiful and enjoyable.  After we reached the pools, we decided to…

Review: The Truth Chronicles 1-3

Posted in Reviews

Let me introduce you to Jax, Isaiah (Izzy), JT, and Micky.  All four of these teens attend one of the top science schools in the nation.  These technology geeks are creating some pretty interesting experiments for their school’s science fair.  Jax, whose dad was a top scientist, is angry at God after his father’s death.  Izzy is Jax’s best friend and lab partner who doesn’t really buy into the whole God thing.  JT is Jax’s former girlfriend who is a Christian.  Micky is JT’s friend and lab partner; she doesn’t believe in God.  Little do they know what God has…