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5 Favorite Family Time Activities

Posted in Family

Legos and Animals

We love spending time together as a family.  Some of the things that we enjoy doing together as a family include:

Camping and Exploring:

There is something great about being away from all of the craziness of every day life.  Things seem just a little simpler when we’re camping.  We get to enjoy the great outdoors together without an interruptions.  We can enjoy the greatness of God’s creation while holding interesting conversations.  We also end up learning things from each other as we inspect the many things around us.


Whether we’re playing on the Wii, playing sports, or playing board games, we find ourselves laughing and having a good time.  Even though I don’t care to sit down and play very many board games, I do try to participate on a regular basis as this makes Munchkin (and D) happy.

When the weather outside is not so hot, we enjoy heading out to one of the fields and kicking around the soccer ball or throwing around the baseball.  Sometimes, we head over to the basketball court and shoot around.  Somehow, we almost always end up laughing and laughing over some crazy thing that happens.

Movie Night:

We enjoy sitting down with pizza and/or popcorn for a good movie night.  Great movies can lead to wonderful discussions as a family.  We try to carefully select movies that will be good for the whole family.  While I realize many families don’t talk during movies, our home is rarely quiet as we watch.  Not to mention, there are often other activities taking place while we watch the movie.  Munchkin likes to play with her Legos or animals while she watches.


Munchkin loves playing with animals, Legos, blocks, American Girls.  When we take the time to sit down and play with her, she is thrilled.  Legos are an easy, fun family activity as we can all work together to create a fun project.  We can also work on individual projects, and then bring them together as a large project.  Munchkin likes to have us recreate a movie we’ve watched or a story that we’ve read.


Sitting in bed or sprawled all over the floor, we come together with a good book.  Our imaginations soar as we enter the story.  Reading together as a family allows us to enjoy the book and following discussions.  We can talk about different things that we may or may not agree with.

No matter what we decide to do together, it’s important that we spend quality time together as a family.  It helps keep our family solid and strong.

I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and LEGO blogging program, making me eligible to get a prize pack. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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