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Month: June 2010

Final Thoughts on VBS

Posted in Christian Life, and Military Life

This week at VBS was a roller-coaster of up and down moments.  We were blessed with the opportunity to reach out to our kids from ages 4 to 11.  We got to know the kids on a more personal level, and we were sad to see the week end.  Yes, it was very tiring, but it was a blessing. (Thank you for all of the prayers. They helped!!!!) On Friday night, I watched 2 young boys grow.  One little one came out of his shell and joined in with the activities.  The other wrote a card that said, “I love…

ZeroWater – Taste the Difference

Posted in Reviews

I am really picky about the water that I drink.  I like water that tastes good.  I don’t want to taste chemicals or minerals in my water.  I want it to be pure and healthy.  When we moved here, I quickly learned that the local water was horrible, so we started getting the 3 and 5 gallon bottles of water from Walmart and the local water stands.  (Yes, we have water stands around here where you can fill up your water bottles.  They are everywhere, so that tells you how bad the water really is here.) The only problem with…

VBS: Getting Creative

Posted in Christian Life

On Tuesday evening, I was a bit down when I did my Wordless Wednesday post.  The Lord brought that passage to mind which helped.  Then, I received such wonderful comments and words of encouragement from y’all.  It touched my heart.  So, thank you very much. On Wednesday, I started to think about creative ways that I could capture the kids attention and encourage them to pay attention.  I created a bookmark for each of the kids with a symbol for each VBS station.  When the kids behaved at that station, they would receive a sticker for their bookmark.  I had…

You are the Salt of the Earth

Posted in Christian Life, and Photography

This week at VBS D and I have been quite challenged with some of the kids in our group.  We spend so much time focusing on keeping them in line that we’re concerned with whether or not they are learning anything.  We walk away completely spent each evening.  Yet, there are moments here and there where we can see a little glimmer of hope coming from these particular kids.  It is in these moments that we can really see that we are the salt and light here.  We have to keep going even when we feel that we’ve reached our…

Review: Fatal Loyalty

Posted in Reviews

It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books. A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured. The reason it is called a FIRST Wild Card Tour is that you never know if the book will be fiction, non~fiction, for young, or for old…or for somewhere in between! Enjoy your free peek into the book! You never know when I might play a wild…