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Month: May 2010

Award Ceremony

Posted in Christian Life

Last night, Munchkin had her Awana award ceremony.  It’s hard to believe that the year is already over.  The girls had so much fun each week.  We were missing one of the girls in our little group.  It was a bit sad that she wasn’t able to be there for the final week. The award ceremony went really well.  It was fun watching the excitement in the kids faces.  One of my favorite parts of the evening was listening to the verses that the kids chose to read/recite as their favorite verses for the year.

What’s on My Nightstand? May Edition

Posted in Photography

Lest you think that my nightstand is normally this clean, I will confess that needing to take this picture motivated me to clean off my nightstand.  It really needed it.  I have a bad habit of allowing many things to clutter the top of my nightstand even though I have nice drawers to use below. All of the books on my nightstand stack for this month are review books.  As you can see, there are a variety of different types of books this time.  I tend to read lot of non-fiction, so I’m trying to get back into some recreational…

Baby Bird Update

Posted in Photography

We looked into the nest and this is what we saw.  Both the Momma Bird and Papa Bird were sitting on the baby birds.  It looked rather funny to see the Momma and Papa sitting on the little babies that look so large.  Guess these birds really look after their young. I’m sure one day soon we will wake up to see all of our feathered friends gone.  For now, it’s fun to see how quickly these little babies are growing up. *******Edited for Final Update******** This morning, I went out to check on our feathered friends and found an…

Review: Episencial Sunny Sunscreen

Posted in Reviews

Summer is almost here, and the kids are all outside playing. Sunscreen is essential in battling the effects of the harsh Arizona sun. I’m always concerned about all of the chemicals that are in traditional sunscreens, but the organic sunscreens that we have tried have been sticky, thick, and/or ineffective for us. The first thing I did when I received the Episencial Sunny Sunscreen was to smell it. It genuinely was fragrance free as stated. The sunscreen itself was light and creamy. It went on smoothly and felt more like a lotion than a sunscreen. It was quickly absorbed into…