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Lots of Projects

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

Today, we went to church for the first time since being here. We just picked a church that we knew had an Awana program during the school year as we felt that was a good place to start. It turns out that they had Patch the Pirate as their Sunday Children’s Church program. Munchkin really enjoyed that. We enjoyed the sermon as well. The people were extremely friendly and welcomed us with open arms. We look forward to seeing if this is the church where the Lord wants us to call home.

Yesterday, D started building a much needed book shelf system. Why a system and not just a book shelf? Well, our “classroom” will also be Munchkin’s playroom, so we have several different storage needs. The plan is to have bookshelves flanking the window. Beneath the window, we’ll have a window seat that has cubbies below it. Above the built-in desk on the opposite wall, we’ll have a bookshelf/cubbie system.

I love that I can come up with a plan and D can build it for me. Yep, I’m definitely spoiled. By building our own custom storage system, we save a ton of money. Plus, we have something that fits exactly the purpose that we need.

Since D is finished cutting out all of the pieces for the system, I need to get to painting, but it was around 109 degrees today. I just didn’t want to paint in that heat. lol! I’ll probably try to get something set up in the garage tomorrow. If I don’t get the pieces painted, then he can’t get it installed. I really need it installed so I can get our books out of the boxes and put away. I’m tired of the boxes…

I found a really, really good deal on some clearance outdoor fabric at JoAnn Fabrics. I’ll be making some cushions and pillows for our outdoor furniture. I already made some sun shades for our patio area. The most expensive part of that project was the grommets, but I was even able to get those using coupons at JoAnns and Michaels.

Our little projects give us a break from unpacking. Our little adventures out and about give us a break from the boxes and craziness. Hopefully, in the near future, we’ll be able to just relax in our newly organized, box-free home. For now, we’ll be starting to get back to our “normal” routine in the midst of the chaos of packing materials. Tomorrow, D goes back to work, and Munchkin starts back up with her schooling.

One Comment

  1. Shanna

    I can't imagine finding a new church in a new town…we've always been at the same church. Your husband sounds very handy!! I've been wanting custom bookshelves for 10 years!

    June 30, 2009

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