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Month: February 2008

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

Some days you just want to crawl back in bed and sleep. It was a rainy day today. Munchkin had another rough night, so it was a bit of a rough morning. Thankfully, she wasn’t crabby. I really wanted to just crawl back in bed and make it a lazy day… We had to make a post office run, and we needed to swing by and pick up some baskets and a coat rack? that someone was giving us. I was pleasantly surprised that the post office was pretty empty. Then, we arrived home and I looked at the baskets.…

Monday Meanderings and Menu Plan

Posted in Homemaking

Bible Study/Devotions: In the morning, I am reading the Daily Bread devotionals. In the evening, I am working on a journal/prayer journal. Munchkin will be continuing with her Keys for Kids devotions. She is also doing her Frontline Kids “workbook” for Wednesday night program. Must Do List: Finish cleaning/preparing rooms for guests. Finish cleaning/organizing living room. Cleaning in Munchkin’s room. Send out packages. Train Them Up: We are continuing to work on expanding Munchkin’s chore base. We are learning how to create a non-toxic environment in our home by learning how to stay away from toxic chemicals while cleaning. We…

Clogs in Europe?

Posted in Blogging, Fun, and Thoughts

I found this quiz over at DaddysChicks and got a kick out of it… You Are Clogs You are a solid and down to earth person. You seek – and almost always achieve – a really sound balance in your life. You are stylish yet comfortable. Mellow but driven. Excited yet calm. You are the perfect mesh of contradictions. No matter what happens, you have the ability to stay well grounded in your life. People know that they can truly depend on you. You should live: In Europe You should work: At a company dedicated to helping the world What…

Laptop Update

Posted in Thoughts

The good, the bad, and the ugly… The good: I’m now sporting a brand new laptop thanks to having a warranty on my old one. They finally declared the old one a lemon and replaced it. I just needed to pay for a new warranty if I wanted it. Um, yes please… The bad: they couldn’t back up my data. The ugly: I lost all the pictures, ebooks, and other data that didn’t back up during my last back up session. The good: I sent many of the pics to D, so he has them. I should be able to…

Lunar Eclipse

Posted in Homeschooling, and Thoughts

Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 20th, there is going to be a Lunar Eclipse. Munchkin is very excited; we’re praying for clear skies. We should get home from church just in time to watch it. She’s also excited that she’s going to get to stay up later than normal to watch (weather permitting). LUNAR ECLIPSE: On Wednesday night, February 20th, the full Moon will turn a delightful shade of red and possibly turquoise, too. It’s a total lunar eclipse—the last one until Dec. 2010. Sky watchers in Europe, the Americas, parts of the Middle East and Africa are favored for good views…