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Lazy Day

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

(picture of crane taken by Munchkin from our backyard)

Today, the sun was shining through the window, but I didn’t want to wake up. I had a difficult time sleeping last night due to a horrible headache and it still lingered this morning. Munchkin decided to wake up early this morning. I slowly climbed out of bed and made her some breakfast. I put on a movie for her to watch (I know bad mommy….), took some Tylenol, and went back to bed. She tried to let me sleep; she really did. But, it wasn’t meant to be. Alas, I gave in to getting up and started the day.

It really was a beautiful day even though the air was more brisk than Friday. We just goofed off for most of the morning. But after lunch, we were on a mission to find some Sunday shoes for both of us. Neither of us had shoes to wear for church, and since we planned on trying to find a new church this Sunday, we thought it might be a good idea to have shoes to wear. I’m glad to report that after much ado we did finally find shoes for both of us.
By this point though, my head is killing me again, so we head home with our shoes and some flower seeds that we picked up. Now, my plan was to try to rest for a little bit as I really wanted to get rid of the headache, but munchkin had other ideas….
So, off to flower planting we went. We planted various types of sunflower seeds, sprinkled wildflower seeds around, and planted a few other types of flower seeds. She happily watered all her new “flowers”. Thankfully, after all of the digging, she decided that she was hungry and wanted something to eat.
We enjoyed a lovely dinner of waffles and watched Everybody’s Hero. It’s a cute kids movie about a boy, a ball, and Babe Ruth’s baseball bat. We cuddled on the couch for a little bit, but she really isn’t very good about sitting still and watching a movie. So, she started to play with her My Little Ponies as she watched the movie. I happily rested on the couch and hoped that the medicine would kick in.
The rest of the evening was filled with playing, a bath (for her) and shower (for me), and story reading. All in all, we had a wonderful, lazy day. Now, if this headache would just go away, it would have been an even better day. Now, I’m off to take some more medicine and hopefully wake up headache free tomorrow morning…..


  1. Rebecca

    Oh dear. It is so hard when Mama is sick-because we must just buck-up and DO when we would like to just rest.

    I hope you are feeling 100% better soon. You were a very good sport through it all!

    March 25, 2007
  2. Christine

    Headaches are the pits, especially the ones that hang on all day. I hope you’re pain-free tomorrow!

    March 25, 2007
  3. busybusymomma

    Ugh! I hope our head is better today, headaches are not fun I know!

    Have fun fixing your blog. :o) Do you have the new blogger? The widget is a quick easy way to rearrange things even if you’re doing the HTML code too.

    Your popcorn chicken recipe sounds yummy!

    March 25, 2007
  4. Jen

    Like the new look
    hope u feel better soon

    March 25, 2007
  5. weavermom

    Your backyard is awesome!!

    Hope your headache got better.

    March 26, 2007

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