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Fitness Friday: 21 Day Fix Week 7

Posted in Fitness

Strong is the New Pretty

So this week is sort of week 7 of my 21 Day Fix program. I say sort due to taking some time off due to activities and illness. With having time off, I felt like I was starting over again – almost. This time around I was further along in my fitness that when I started the first time. It’s amazing how quickly your body can be knocked out of the routine. I was antsy to get back into the routine, so my body was definitely saying that I needed to get moving. Yet, when I got moving again (at least in this manner), it said “what?”. lol! I got tired faster, and I felt more sore than I had in some time. It was okay though as it felt good to be able to get back into the program.

I’ve decided that I want to add some yoga into my routine as I really enjoy the stretching and balance that it offers. I’m still working on how exactly I want to incorporate it into my routine. Maybe yoga in the evening since I do my other exercise in the morning? We’ll see how thing play out.

Of course, after only a few days of being back in the routine, I got slammed with a migraine that did not want to let up at all which meant my days have been spent in bed trying to get rid of the headache. Not fun and frustrating. Just as I was getting back into a normal routine, I get knocked back out of it. I can exercise through a headache, but a migraine is a different story. Hopefully this migraine will pass soon, and I’ll be able to get back to exercising.

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