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Tag: Tomoson

Review: Brieftons Spiral Slicer

Posted in Reviews

I’ve been fascinated by spiral slicers since I first saw one, but I had never used one until recently. The Brieftons Spiral Slicer is a hand-held unit that has two different julienne sizes – one on each end. The unit also comes with a finger tip guard that grips the vegetables. A small brush helps clean out the hard to clean places in the spiral slicer. I love the idea of easily being able to make delicious veggie noodles. As soon as it arrived, I jumped into trying it out with zucchini and carrots from our CSA box. The Brieftons…

Review: Super Flex Silicon Oven Mitts

Posted in Reviews

We’ve tried a variety of oven mitts and holders for our cast iron cookware, but none of them completely worked with the heat generated from cooking with cast iron. The regular oven mitts didn’t protect our hands well enough from the heat while the silicone handle sleeve only worked for a little while before becoming too hot to touch. The only thing that we had that remotely worked was pot holder than had silicone on one side and padded fabric on the other, and it’s a pain to keep clean. The Triumphant Chef Super Flex Silicone Oven Mitts are food…

Review: Eco at Heart Stainless Steel Straws

Posted in Reviews

Remember when you were young at drank everything through straws without a care in the world? Those were the days. Now we know that using plastic in our every day lives isn’t the best of ideas due to as the nasty chemicals that can be leached into our foods. What is a family to do when they like using straws for things like smoothies and milkshakes? That is something that I’ve been working on at our house. While we could go without straws, the fact of the matter is that we like using them for certain drinks. I recently received…

Review: Back40 Your Essential Seed Vault

Posted in Reviews

Growing your own food is an important skill to master. It’s a great way to cut down on food costs, and it helps you know how your food is being grown. With so many companies going with gmo seeds and nasty fertilizers, it’s getting harder and harder to find the nutrient dense, delicious fruits and veggies of days gone by. Growing your own garden helps put at least some of that great food on your table. Not to mention, there is something to be said about food that has been grown by the work of your own hands. This year,…

Review: Best Nut Milk Bag

Posted in Reviews

I recently received a sample of the Vita Best Nut Milk Bag to try out in exchange for a review of the product. Prior to receiving this nut milk bag, I had been using cheesecloth for straining milks. If you’ve even made nut milk, rice milk, or coconut milk, you know that usually there are solids that need to be strained from the milk after mixing it up in the blender. You also know that cheesecloth, while a wonderful tool, can be a bit of a mess to clean up after making the milk. I was excited to try the…