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Tag: Dinosaur Tracks

St George Dinosaur Discovery Site

Posted in Family, and Homeschooling

When you have a kiddo, like Munchkin, who loves dinosaurs, you can’t pass up the opportunity to go to a real dinosaur site.  St. George Discovery Site at Johnson Farm is the type of thing that any kid loves to hear about.  A gentleman, Dr. Sheldon Johnson, was doing some work on his property leveling the land when he uncovered a dinosaur track in a thick layer of sandstone.  Experts were called in and thousands of tracks ended up being uncovered.  Dr. Johnson and his wife felt that this site should be preserved for science and future generations. Eventually, a…

Dinosaur Tracks

Posted in Family, and Outdoor Adventures

We arrived in Bryce Valley on Saturday evening and promptly crashed.  We were exhausted from our travels up here to Utah.  We left even though we knew that Munchkin was still sick.  It’s never an easy decision, but since she was dealing with things related to her allergies, we knew that it wouldn’t matter if we were home or away.  Either way, she’d be feeling less than stellar.  She was able to rest on the long car ride here. The campground is surrounded by the beauty of nature, and it’s in the middle of nowhere.  If we need anything other…